Chapter Three

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Inside the grand palace that was home to the Uchiha family, servants bustled about the kitchen and the dining area. They hastily prepared the meal that would be served to not only those of the Uchiha bloodline but to heirs of the other kingdoms as well. It was crucial that the food was nothing short of exquisite.

The Queen, Mikoto Uchiha, herself had made it a point of looking over each and every plate. The woman had done her fair share of cooking when she was young, she was very independent and wanted to be able to do things herself. So she had pestered the chef's insistently until they taught her how. Her parents were not pleased when they learned of it, but the cake Mikoto had made for them- all by herself, was enough for them to let it go.

The beautiful queen smiled sadly when she thought of her parents, they had passed only two weeks ago due to unknown circumstances. The medic's say that it was during the night when they laid fast asleep, before dying in each other's arms. She could recall her mother saying once that it was how she wanted to leave this world, her father wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. She laughed inwardly as she imagined her father was his neat midnight hair ranting on about how he would die with his enemies dead all around him and he would be pierced by a sword while he fought bravely in the heat of battle. The queen remembered him taking when of the guard's swords and acting it all out.

Her dark colored eyes watched on as chefs worked swiftly, skillfully preparing the food that would soon be devoured. A delicious waft met her nose and it made her smile with pleasure. The floor of the expansive kitchen was a white tiled marble that glinted against the bright lights that hung from the ceiling. The clanging of pots and pans, as well as the sound of knives, reverberated off the walls.

It wasn't very often that so many royals would be gathered together for a meal, sure the six princes often went to each other's castles but rarely ate with the rest of the family. Madara was not to keen on eating with them either, especially that Nara boy who had devised a plan that slipped past his guard and nearly drugged him.

Seeing the platters of food that began piling up, Mikoto knew that lunch would soon be ready and left for the dining room. Her beautiful silk gown flowing around as she walked with a confident yet graceful stride to match her royal status.

She entered the large dining area with a greeting smile on her delicate features, a warm and welcoming look dancing in her obsidian eyes. Seated at the head of the table was none other than her husband, King Fugaku Uchiha in all his glory.

His face was locked in an expressionless mask, his eyes never wavering from their strong impassive gaze. His coffee-brown hair reaching not even an inch past his lightly pointed ears. His back was perfectly straight, his chin raised in superiority and his Roman nose pointed upwards in a regal manner.

In all honesty, when the queen had first met Fugaku at the young age of sixteen, she was terrified of him. His stony features and the coldness in his eyes even at such a young age. But for some reason, she had felt this strange pull. This desire to know what lay beyond his walls, and in her search to solve the mystery, she fell in love.

And Fugaku? Well, he did ask her to marry him.

The rest is history.

To his left, sat his younger brother Madara. Now Madara was known for a few things, one being his long dark lion mane. His hair pointed out in different directions and cascaded down his back.

The man was ruthless, he got what he wanted no matter what. It doesn't matter what or who laid in his path, Madara always got his way.

Mikoto greeted her husband with a charming smile, the only response she got in return was a slight nod. But anyone who knew him well could see how his eyes had softened just the slightest bit at the sight of his beloved wife.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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