Too much to ask (pt.4)

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Barry's point of view:

I ran. I ran like I was running for my life. Tears ran down my face, I looked around and noticed I had ran deeply into the woods.

I stood running and caught my breath, "Cait..." I whispered, what had I done? I screwed up big time. I fell to the ground as I coughed up blood, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked up and saw a figure, I tried to stand up but I couldn't...

Caitlin's point of view:

Grayson and I had talked and decided that I should talk to Barry, I didn't want to, but I know it's the best decision.

I stood up and hugged Grayson, "thank you for letting me stay here." I smiled, he smiled and nodded. "It's no biggie." He shrugged. I smiled, then walked out.

I walked slowly to Barry's house. I thought about everything. I knocked on the door and his mother answered.

Before I could speak she said, "have you seen Barry?!" I looked at her, "w-what do you mean?" I asked as I gulped. "H-he ran into the woods and h-he ne-never came back." She stuttered as she started crying.

I stood there shocked. What? How? Why? Thoughts raced through my mind. "H-he can't be gone!" I said as a tear fall down my cheek.

"But, yet he is." Nora cried.
I turned away, then walked to my house trying to process what just happened.

I opened the front door I slowly walked into the house, but I fell down. I cried.

What if he's dead? What if he left central city! What if someone kidnapped him! I sat on the floor crying, i sat there feeling empty...alone.

I felt like half of me was gone. Sure last night was no Big deal, but then i thought he was fine, but he's not. He's not okay, something is wrong. I need to know.

I stood up and decided I would go and find him. I would do it, all by my self.
I grabbed my coat, my phone, keys, and some food and water.

I walked out, then ran to my car. I looked around and sighed. I got into my car. I turned some music on, A Car, A Torch, A Death by Twenty One Pilots , it's a really deep song.

A tear fell slowly, I thought of Barry.
"Barry, wherever you are...I will find you." I whispered to myself as I drove around Central City. I know he'd probably be  mad at me but I don't care. He needs to know that I love him. I love him so much.

He's the Peanut butter to my jelly, wait no. I hate peanut butter. Okay, let my try this again. He's the chocolate chip to my cookie. Ah, that's much better.

I drove around central city, I couldn't find Barry, but I'm not gonna give up yet. Not until I find him. The man of my dreams. God, I'm sounding really cheesy right now. Oh well, I do not give a care.

I decided it'd be best if I looked in the woods. I got out of my car and walked into the woods. It gave me creepy vibes. I felt like I was in a horror movie, maybe It, ooh who'd be pennywise though? I've never seen either of the movies, or read the book, but I have seen the trailer. Does that count?

Okay, anyway, I walked into the woods, I saw a figure on the ground. I couldn't quite make out the details but, it was a man, a skinny, slender man, tallish 6'2 maybe. I walked closer, inching closer. Step by step my heart felt like it was gonna beat so loud that Australia could hear it. I gulped as I shut my eyes for a second, breathing slowly, my heart pounding like it was going to beat out of my chest. I squinted my eyes open but barely. The figure looked more familiar.

I step slowly, the closer I got the more details I noticed. I stoped in my tracks and realized that it was Barry. I ran towards him. He looked like he had been stabbed.

I knelt down next to him holding him up and trying to put pressure on his injury. I noticed his eyes flickered open. He looked at me and smiled softly, "Cait," he said putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. I let a tear fall, "Barry, you're bleeding out." I cried. He looked at me and sighed, "Cait, everything will be alright, I promise." He smiled softly.

"Y-you can't promise that." I stuttered.

"Yes, yes I can." He smiled softly, slightly coughing up blood.

"Can I ask you something?" He added.

I nodded my head, still focusing on his injury.

"Was it too much to ask for you to love me the way I love you?" He asked.

"No, Barry, I love you. I love you so much." I said with a soft smile. He nodded, then his hand fell to the ground. He stopped breathing. I gasped.

"N-no!" I cried, "No, Barry," i said grasping his hand, "you can't be gone!" I whispered as tears streamed down my face.

He's gone. Barry Allen, the man I love the most is gone. How? Why? I love him. But he's gone now.

Dramatic much.

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