Run and go

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Caitlin's point of view:
I ran. I ran as fast as I could, I ran as far away as I could. I didn't bother to pay attention to where I was going. I couldn't get one thought out of my mind.


I had finally realized and accepted that he is gone. Why?! I thought.

I stopped running and caught my breath. I looked around.

'Where am I?' I thought, I continued to look around wondering where I was.
I saw, trees, a lot of trees, I also saw a road, a road that I happened to be standing in the middle of.

I walked to the side, pulling out my phone. I looked for directions to my apartment, turns out It was a 3 hour walk to my apartment from where I was. I sighed, "let's see if I can get a taxi cab," I scrolled through my phone for what felt like forever, then I finally found a taxi cab.

I waited on the side of the road. The taxi cab finally pulled up. I sat in the back seat staring out the window, while listening to Truce by twenty Øne Piløts.

I let a tear slip down my face. Sighing, I sat there quietly. I heard the driver talking on the phone loudly, while eating a taco. I rolled my eyes, I continued to sit there quietly while listening to music.

The driver pulled up to my apartment complex, then turned around to me and said, "it'll be $300, miss."

I looked at him like he was crazy, "what?! It was only a couple miles!" I argued back. "Oh well, I don't give a care. Just give me the money and then I'll leave. " he said holding out his big hairy hand, waiting for the money.

"No," I said flatly, "I'll give you $30, but that's all." I stated.

He looked at me and shook his head and muttered, "whatever." I handed him the money, then got out of the car.

I walked into my apartment, dropping on the floor.  I started crying, "he-he can't be gone, no, not yet." I cried with a few sniffles.

I sat up against the wall, tears streaming down my face.  I finally had the strength to stand up, I walked to ky kitchen to get a glass of water since I was pretty dehydrated, i looked around and saw a photo of me and Barry.

I dropped my water, glass shattered on the floor cutting my foot, a tear ran down my face as I stood there, silently,

I was silently crying for help, I walked away not bothering to pick up the glass on the floor.

I walked to my room, blood dripping from where the cut was on my ankle. I looked at it, then shrugged it off. I couldn't care less about it. I was already broken. At that exact moment I stopped caring about my mental and physical health. I knew it was bad, but I didn't care. I just felt empty.

I want to drive away, get away from everything. I sat on my bed. I heard the door bell ring. I didn't care so I didn't bother to answer it. I sat on my bed and quietly, staring at the wall. The door bell rang again, I ignored if again.

The doorbell stopped ringing for a few minutes. I sat in silence. I just wanted to die, but I had to mask my words.

I wasn't fine, I'm the complete opposite.

The door bell rang again, I groaned, I stood up and answered it.

My eyes widened, it was.... to be continued

Ayyyy so I'd like some feedback from y'all, tell me how I can improve this book. Do you want more action? Less action? More humor? Less humor? More sadness? Less sadness? Happy chapters? Comment and tell me what you want:)

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