Blood sweat tears

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General perspective:

Barry opened the trap door slowly and steadily. Something jumped up, causing Barry to fall backwards. He saw a wolf. Fear filled him up, thoughts went on in his head. Spinning, his head was spinning. He gulped, sitting up slightly, trying to crawl away from the wolf.

Barry screamed as the wolf sank its teeth into Barry's leg. Caitlin ran towards the front of the group. For some reason everyone was frozen in fear. Caitlin used her ice powers and froze the wolf.

Barry crawled away from the wolf groaning in pain. Caitlin ran towards him, "Barry!" She said kneeling down next to him.

Barry grabbed her hand, "Cait, I'm fine," he assured her. He stood up groaning in pain, caitlin helped him."Barry, you should sit this one out."

"No! I can't!" He yelled, the pain from the wolf was nothing compared to the pain that Derek had brought him in those five years.

They heard footsteps, "ah, why? That was my favorite wolf." Said Derek, standing behind them with a vicious smirk.

Laurel ran towards him, swinging a good punch. He grabbed her fist, "not so fast, Canary." He smirked, twisting her arm. Laurel grunted. They heard a cracking noise. Oliver jumped on top of Derek, forcing him to let go of Laurel.

"Oh, look it's the Arrow, or should I say Oliver Queen?" Laughed Derek. Oliver grabbed the collar on his shirt, "shut up!" He yelled as he punched him. Derek had somehow gotten a hold of an arrow and he stabbed Oliver in the stomach.

Barry looked at Derek, he stood up and punched him as hard as he could. Derek just returned a punch, a much harder punch. Barry's busted lip started bleeding, but he didn't care. He and Derek fought, while Kara flew Oliver to the hospital. He was distracting Derek. Barry knew they needed Kara.

Caitlin shot a bunch of ice at Derek. He just shrugged it off.

Derek used some sort of power to freeze everyone, except Barry. "This is all your fault!" Screamed Derek at Barry. "How?" Asked Barry in a calmer tone.

"You bullied my sister! She's dead now! You made her kill herself!" He screamed. Barry looked at him, "I never bullied anyone! Matter of fact, I was the one getting bullied." Argued Barry.

"Remember Rachel? She was in your Homeroom, math, and science class?" He asked, Barry nodded, "yeah, I never spoke to her."

Kara and Mon-El came back. Mom-El tackled Derek, and Kara knocked him out.

Cisco, Laurel, and Caitlin fell to the ground gasping for air. Barry just stood there, frozen. He stared at Derek. Was it true? Am I the reason his sister is dead? He thought to himself.

Caitlin grabbed his hand, "Barry it's okay, it's over now." She comforted him. He looked at her and shook his head. Swear beaded on his forehand. A tear slid down his face.

"Remember Rachel? She was in your Math and science class?" He asked, Caitlin nodded, "Yeah, why? What did he say to you?" She asked.

"He said I bullied her and that's why she killed herself." He said looking at the ground. Caitlin looked at him gripping his hand tightly, "No it wasn't your fault. You did have anything to do with what happened."

He nodded slowly, she rested her head on his shoulders. Barry felt guilty. He knew what caitlin said was true, but it didn't change the guilt he was feeling.

He rested his head on top of hers. "C'mon Barr, let's take you home. It's been a long night. He nodded, "Good job, guys." Said Barry as he walked out with caitlin.

Mon-El looked at Kara and Cisco, "I so ship them!" He said laughing, "their ship name shall be snowbarry!"

Kara pushed him playfully, "shut up, you big goof." Cisco laughed, "I kinda like it."

Laurel walked over to them, "is ollie gonna be okay?" She asked, "Thea will be scared if he's not." She said. Kara nodded, "he's gonna be fine."

"Hey guys, you know I'm still here right?" Said Felicity through their ear piece, "plus, snowbarry is an adorable ship name!" She added.

Barry and caitlin walked to her apartment, they held hands. "Barry," she said, "yeah?" He said.

"I love you."

Barry stopped right in his tracks, he smiled, then looked at her.

"I love you too, in fact I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. You're my everything Cait. I wouldn't trade the world for you."

Caitlin blushed then stepped closer to him, she felt him breathing slow.

It felt like her heart was beating out of her chest. She tilted her head slightly.
Barry wrapped his arm around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Their foreheads touched. Caitlin leaned in, touching his lips with hers. They kissed.

They were kissing. Barry couldn't believe it. He was finally kissing the woman of his dreams. He had pondered if this moment for eleven years.

They separated, Barry has never smiled so much in his life. After what had happened with Derek, he was finally happy again.
The next morning caitlin woke up in Barry's arms. She saw the scars in his chest from Derek, but they didn't matter anymore all that mattered was that he was safe now and that he loved her.

Barry groaned and started waking up, "Morning, beautiful." He smiled . She blushed. She stood up, "I'm gonna go make some breakfast? Okay." She said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Barry sat up, grabbing a shirt. He looked at his scars, then at caitlin. Did they matter to her? He wondered. He put the shirt on and walked to where caitlin was.

"Cait can I ask you something?"

She nodded, turning around, "sure what is it?" She asked.

"Do the scars on my body matter to you?" He asked. She shook her head, "no, They just show how strong you are. It seems like he did bad stuff to you, but you made it. You stayed strong. That's what really matters to me. Not your dark past or scars, we all have scars of our own."

He nodded, pulling her in for a kiss then connecting her lips with his.

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