Where ever theres light theres always darkness!

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The sun is shining so bright.

I look up at the sky as im swing so high.

I fell like im fling but also im gunna fall off the swing.

I grip my hand titer around the chain as i begin to go higher.

Im not afraid nore scared.

I swing till all my sadness an anger contains.

"I wish to be free!" i say outloud sence nobody is her.

"Hey careful!" somone hallers at me in worrie.

It fells like a dark prescience,but not evil evil,just evil enough to give skills down my spine an make me loose my grip fling in the air.

"Heh" i fell the sharp wind perse my skin as im being flug into the air.

My eyes begin to dry an my skin gets colder, then i close my eyes relizing my wish had came true just for a slit second.

Now im gonna die...

(Strange darkness person)

She flys in the air so beausifly she isnt scared it looks like she is injoying it.

A smile apears on her face as her skin begins to shiver then she softly closes her eyes.

What a woman.

"Well now you seem rather icy miss" i sniker at her as she falls into my arm's.

"W-what you saved me?" she opens her blue eyes that had many different shades of blue, her facel expersion didn't hold fear or anxity but it did hold something more different and difficult to understand.

"Oveoussly you should have been more careful you were up way to high for anyone to hadle i was serprised you lasted that long" i chuckle once more as she finds her way down onto the grass standing in her barefeet.

How did i not realize that before?

"well thank you for saving me, now i better go its already 4:25"

"Alright well take care" and there she goes walking off into a back ally, her natural curls swaving as the wind blu.

How is she so gorgeous she is human?

is it possible for a human to be atractive?

then i eared her from mind and walked off home giving orders to my younger syblings.

"Go find this so called princess of light and kill her i want her head frech"

"Yes as you ordered" then i watch Jacup,Jackson,Leavie,and of course the second oldest Cassiel leave the throne room.

Cassiel is my young brother, all thoug i wish he had the throne instead if me that didn't happen.

He has all the quality for a king he has charm,better then me, he has intelligent way more then i could have, and he is very understanding and would never do anything tarible to his family.

He obase and if he makes i comande he chooses whisly not ordering useless things.

Sence im King im trying to be more like him act the role i was given.

Then that girl i saw flying in the sky.

She looked so free and happy even when she knew she probaly was going to die.

I wish i could be more free like her...

"Ser i found her she was walking beside some human woman witch made it unposible to get to her" says Cassiel already inside the cassle just seconds after i gave the order.

"Then follow her get her when she is alone" i ordered.

"Yes your hiniss" he bows at me.

"Oh and Cassiel please dont call me that" i say in not an ordering tone.

He smiled at me lightly.

"So like you brother" then he walks off after saying that and that was the last i saw of him he was trying to kill the princess of light.

(Aka the queen of light there clueless as to the story gose remember when i told you Emeralds mom died well she got sent into another body)

Then my youngest brothers come in floping on the beds.

....... end off page!

Darkside Effect Book Two Where stories live. Discover now