1 - Same old, same old

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''Omg, One more minute please!'' Well that's how my morning started on a usual school day, well you wouldn't exactly cal it 'school' to be exact more of a torture chamber for me but I'm coping. I got out of bed and washed my face unlike other girls I don't really make an effort, I mean what do I care what anyone thinks of me, it's just high school. I took a sweatshirt and a baggy pair of tracksuit bottoms a long with my comfy trainers out of my wardrobe. Then I quickly brushed my  hair up into a ponytail. It could do with a wash but nah who cares, it'll just be me wasting those precious minutes I had left at home.

I walked downstairs with my mum screaming for me to hurry up before the bus went. By the time I got down the stairs my mum had already got both my lunch and my breakfast ready. She was trying to get me to diet but it wasn't really working out what with me not exactly connecting with muesli and fruits early and the morning, forget mornings any time of the day. She just didn't get that I was fine with how I looked no matter what people said about it. 

I walked out of the door and stood by the bus stop, as soon as my bus came, the doors opened and even before I got onto the schoolbus I could hear the usual murmurs at the back about my appearance and some of the cocky jocks said it to my face but I didnt really care, I paid my fare and sat down on one of the seats. 

I had a few friends well to be honest it was more of a group and there were five of us. Me, Stephanie, I was sort of the geek in this group and an A* student, Alex, one of the  jocks but he wasn't like them at all he was like my shield, if anyone hurt me they hurt him sorta thing ya know. Megan, was one of those girly girls that you get pink and totally in tune to the fashion world but she never made any comments as to what I wore which is a lot considering she can't bear to see anything wrong in the fashion world. Then the remaining two being, Sydney, the baby of the group and who all the guys fell for because she was so ultra cute and last but not least Sam, he was my first friend, we used to know each other in primary and he's been with me always through thick and thin, my bodyguard.

The day pretty much went by with the usual 'feedback' from the class of what they thought of me. But something happened on the way home, something that changed my life( a bit dramatic but you'll get it later), we were walking home and Brittany, our school's head cheerleader ''accidently'' managed to barge into me, now she's not someone you would want as a friend as she even put her own friends down. If you ask me the way she dressed was really desperate. Her daily outfit consisted of a really low neck crop top with a skirt so short I really dont know how it covered her not she wanted to and massive seven inch heels yet the boys just fell at her feet. Because of her "clumsiness" my books went flying and me being the geek started gathering them up quickly and counting them to see if they were all there. Brittany said - ''Really? Have you not got anything more to life than boring old books but then again those are your only friends aren't they, the rest of your gang are just sorta putting up with you.'' I seriously wanted to wipe that smirk off her face but I didn't know how. ''I heard Megan saying that to Sophia in locker room when you went to get your assignment from the science lab.'' When I heard that I had to blink really quickly so that she couldn't see that I was hurt by her words. ''You're so fat no wonder no one sticks around grease like that, they diet to get it off sort of like Megan.' I ran past her and into an alleyway where the tears just started dripping and they wouldn't stop. Then I realised it was getting quite late and mum must be worrying so I wiped my eyes and made my way home.

Later, I got  a text from Megan asking if I wanted to go to the mall with her and at first I didn't really reply but she kept texting so I had to.

Megan:- Hey xx wanna cum to the mall with me?

Steph:- Nah, I am er... like busy?

Megan:- Your coming whether I have to drag u or otherwise, I'm coming round to yours

Shit! That wasn't meant to happen, she's going to see that I've been crying and get ''mad'' and I mean I don't want to see the fakeness now. What should I do? I know I'll text her back saying I'll go anyway. Yh that'll work out and I'll say I've got a cold. But what was the point in pretending when I know she doesn't really want to hang out with me?

Steph:- It's okay I..........

DING DONG! ''Steph can you answer it?'' I went down and looked through the eyehole and saw it was Megan and I thought I gotta face her someday so why not now? I opened it and stormed off into my bedroom and didn't ask her to come in either. 

I heard her coming up and saw her come into my bedroom where I was sprawled on my bed with my ipod looking like I didn't care. She looked really hurt and I felt really bad but remembered what she had said about me. ''Stephanie what's up? Have you been crying?'' 

''Nah! I've got a cold like you know''

"Yeah right, in the middle of summer here in California I think you are hiding something from me, come on tell me after all I'm your best friend.'' When she said that last sentence I felt like strangling her- ''Really? We're done I don't want to hear from Brittany what you've been saying about me ok? I have had enough of your fake sympathy keep it to yourself and get lost.''

''But Steph I never would say that about you. Why would you believe Brittany without asking me about it first? I don't know what to say.''

I felt really bad then when she put it like that. ''Oh Meggy, I am so sorry it's just she kept saying I was fat adn ugly and that it's like grease and stuff and you don't want to look bad with me hanging around. ''

''Well my girl we've gotta get some payback and some good payback.''

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