3 - Put to the test

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''AAAhhhh!!'' What the flip was that? Oh no has Santa come to get me, I dont remember doing anything wrong yet. Or has someone come to kidnap me? I know, I'll hide under my covers and pretend to be asleep. Yeah that's the best idea so far. 

Just as I was about to go undercover, my phone started ringing and I quickly answered it incase the kidnapper heard it. ''Hey Steph are you awake yet?'' Well no bozo otherwise I wouldn't answer my phone. ''Sam! Help me, there's someone come to kidnap me and they keep knocking on my window, what do I do?.''

Then he started laughing and wouldn't stop. ''Stephanie Woods, you are seriously a weirdo, it's me. I've been trying to get your attention for the last 15 minutes but noooo you want to fantasize about some kidnapper. Open the window it's really cold.''

I got out of bed and peeked through the curtains and sure enough he was there on the lawn shivering but smiling. I let him in through the window and he sat on my bed. "Steph , finally, I was seriously thinking you had died." I could feel my face going red due to embarrassment but the reason turned to anger. ''Now, sugars get up and into the bathroom you have a small trip for a short while for your own benefit.''

"What do you mean, this is my house and what sort of a trip?"

"You'll find out once you get ready ,training today get dressed in ten and grab an apple or something to eat. Then come outside."

"But I can't have fruit and you know that, what about chocolate?"

"Nope, no junk food, I warned you yesterday ."

Does he really think Im going to agree with that? Because if so he really doesnt know me. "Okay I wont have it, I totally forgot really sorry." I smiled 'shyly' at him and put on my sad but innocent face.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth then got dressed in the usual, but my hair into a messy bun this time because I didn't want my hair getting in the way, judging from Sam it was obviously cold and windy.

I went down the stairs and I only had 3 minutes to go. I went to where all the chocolates were and opened the cupboard but they werent there, and I thought meybe I misplaced them or mum moved them. I checked all the cupboards but they weren't there. Then it dawned on me that Sam might have took them as he knows what I'm like and he may not be so stupid in reality.

I ran outside and saw that he had emptied all the bags out, all of them except one. I lunged at itbut ended up tripping up and falling in front of the bin. Whilst this was happening, he started running with the bag. I gotta get those I thought but he kept running and after the third round around the house I started to get a cramp so I stopped and hid. The next time he ran past I jumped on him but all my efforts went to waste as the bag was empty with nothing in it. ''Sam where is my breakfast?''

"If you're talking about the chocolates then they are not breakfast, so you will not be getting them anytime soon, forget that ever.''

"But you can't do that I, well my mum bought them with her money.'' 

"I already got her permission and told her the plan and where you are going and she was all for it so if she has no worries then you have nothing to worry about.''

"Now come on and run with me, this time we're going to time the run and we will do so for the next half an hour and then I will buy you anything you want okay?"


He led me to the football field, which was really massive with the cheerleader deck and the goal post and it was one of the biggest in the whole town or maybe the biggest, but I was really confused I mean we're running not playing football. "Yes Steph I am not stupid." Oops did I say that part out loud?

"Yeah you did it again. Now you are going to run around the whole pitch for this baby six times.'' He held out a toffee and caramel smoothie and a huge chocolate chip muffins with fresh cream icing and a strawberry topped on it. And a pizza, my favourite ham and pineapple freshly baked from the local take away. He knew I was craving for something like this, it wasn't fair.

''Right, ready steady and GO!!!''

First lap, Im actually quite fit I mean Im not even tired yet which is a huge thing for me.

Second lap, getting slightly more tired but things are going well come on, you gotta do this for the smoothie, I looked over Sam and saw him laid back and watching me with a look of amusement on his damn face. ''I'll show you something funny to laugh about when I finish these laps, you won't be able to think straight.''

''Sure, whatever you say, if you finish them.''

Third lap, fourth lap.

Fifth lap, I cant do this, yes you can, walk it and run, walk and run come on. I'm sure I looked like a red tomato and I just hoped that no one came to the field otherwise I would die of embarrassment.

Last lap, I have never felt this tired in my whole life. I cant breath what should I do? Im sweating like a damn pig! One more step to smoothie land.

"Yes! I have done it, GIve me my food now, I can't stand it any longer.''


I looked down to see a bottle of water. "Whats this?"


"Where's my food, give me, give me, give me."

He started walking off and I noticed a discarded bottle and pizza box on the floor. Meaning he had drank the smoothie and ate my food. I felt really furious and didn't know what to do but then he fell into a puddle so it immediately subsided. ''Karma's a b****!''

I got home after ages as he had led me to the most far away pitch from my house, probably on purpose. I took a shower as my whole body was aching especially my feet because of all the running he made me do, I rinsed my hair and let it fall down and lathered it with shampoo, and forgot about the rest of the world. Then I got out and put on my pyjamas and got into bed although it was just gone noon, it was my nap time. 

About 2 hours later, I woke up because of how hungry I was I think because as soon as I opened one of my eyelids my tummy started to rumble and I remember how I hadn't really had breakfast either unless you count water. So I went to the kitchen and there was a bag with a note on it. It said- Eat this, it will make you feel better, Love Sam. xxx

Awww what a cutie, I peeked inside to find an apple and a beautiful looking cheese and onion pasty. Yummy this looks awesome!

I ate it and watched a few dvds and i heard something come in through the letter box so I went to see what it was. It was a package , I opened it to find a few fitness videos. What a cheek , there was also a note - do all the videis at least once a day.

I popped the first one into the player and waited. The lady started doing aome yoga moves that looked like a monkey, but since no one was there I followed her but after a few minutes I heard some spluttering and laughter. I turned around to find the guys videoing me, not funny!'' 

In the end, they ended up in my house on my bed sleeping and crashing my peaceful night that I had to myself, but I was really grateful because without these guys I'd have no friends and no one to have these crazy moments with.

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