2 - The planning begins

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The next day me and Megan both went to school together and she stood by me. At lunch, Brittany came past us and she just kept smirking and pointing to Megan who was shooting daggers at her.

Then Megan did something incredible and I totally love her for it, she got onto the table with the teachers right there and I don't know where she got it from but through the megaphone she said these words - "Brittany, yes our head cheerleader here is a total slut, she has nothing good to say about anyone, anyone friends with her will be associated by me likewise so please stay away from her, as people like her don't deserve friends or a happy life, they deserve nothing. Thank you.''

''Megan come off the table this instance what do you think you are doing? Those tables are for eating not performing such acts for your heroism, I am going to just have to reward you with detention after school.''

''Miss if she's going down then I'm going to have to go down too cos she did this for me, so I deserve it as well.''

''Well, are you sure Steph sweety because I don't think you have ever got a detention before why would you want to break such a beautiful record, especially as this is the last day before summer break?''

''Miss I am positive, I think, anything for Megan.''

''Okay, I want to see both of with me after school at 2.35 sharpish do you hear me and am I clear?''



OMG, the bell just went for everyone to go home. What am I going to do? What am I going to say? Will mum be sad? What should I do? I'm feeling sick all of a sudden. I ran to the female toilets and threw up heavily. When I came out I saw a worried looking Megan standing outside. Then she saw it was me and started laughing, she was going crazy and literally crying, whilst I was washing my hands and rinsing my mouth out with water.

''You think this is funny? I feel awful and it's all your fault."'

''Hunny, I never told you to act like a super hero up there with Miss, you could have just kept quiet.''

''That would be injustice towards you and I'm not that bad of a friend am I?''

''Now that's debatable, hurry up before she goes off her rock, I have a brilliant plan on how we can get payback with Brittany. I've filled the guys on it and they think it's wonderful and they all want to be a part of it.''

''Don't tell me they've all got detention as well.''

''Just for you babe, don't want to keep you bored do we?''


''Well, well, well, nice to see you could make it out of your busy schedule.''

Me and Megan went to the back of the classroom and I took in the feeling of being a bad guy for the first time in my whole life. WE sat down next to the rest of the gang, me next to Sydeny and Megan next to Sam. ''OKay so what's the plan that you obviously didn't think necessary to fill me in on?''

''Well, Meg told us what happened and we thought that we could give you...... a MAKEOVER!!!''

''What? Are you crazy? You think that I'm gonna agree to this? It's ridiculous and everyone's gonna think that I'm trying too hard and that I'm desperate. And if people are gonna think that way I might as well stay the way I am rather people thinking that okay?''

''But Steph, you gotta do this for us please, and if you don't like it you can change back I guess pleeeeasee?'''

I seriously couldn't resist those puppy eyes so I gave in. ''Okay so what are we going to do and how are we going to go about it?''

''Well as the chosen spokesperson, Sam will explain he's dying to tell you.''

''Okay, so basically Megan is going to be helping you get a new wardrobe. No offence but you need something other than tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts like crop tops and skirts etc. and she'll also be helping you with accessories like maybe some bling and shoes.''

''Sydney will be giving you a hand in the make up department cos we want you to kick some butt with your hidden beauty and killer looks and obviously like show rittnay whose boss wihtout looking like her. Also with hair, as you know it's not in the best state.''

''I will be giving you lessons on fitness and we will be doing some jogging and bits and bobs. It's time you took a turn towards the healthy side of life and I will be your training buddy and Alex will be teaching you how to remark and make side comments and make yourself like a bad girl. And also how to defend yourself. IS that Okay?''

''Do I get any say in this matter?''

''Nope, now that we have gotten this matter straightened out and I am sure it's clear what we are doing. I hope you take my advice and go to sleep early tonight, you've got a long day ahead of you.''

''As tomorrow are the summer holidays, we will start then so get all the rest you need right now and no more junk food either.''

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