Issue 14

50 3 0

0 Days without incident

Whisper strode passed me onto the floor of we had stopped at and I followed, still trying to shake of the desire to either slap him or kiss him.

I'd never felt so conflicted by two passionate emotions like this. On one side, he had just implied that I was a cheap whore. On the other side, he wanted to... or did he...?Well I mean, he had grabbed me... and... he seemed to be pretending nothing had happened.

Or maybe he thought that he could just manhandle me and I would sit back complacently with it? He was attractive, obviously intelligent, and powerful, but he wore these like they were all you needed to see. He was manipulative and clearly had no regard for other's personal boundaries. And he had an ulterior motive. I could almost taste it every time he opened his mouth.

What did I really know about him? He was some kind of higher-up in the Pantheon... part of a division I had never heard of. And there was a naked woman in the room.

Whisper opened the door and paused, long enough for me to see her reclining on the kitchen bench.

My first impression was that she was totally devoid of clothing, but that was because I could see her... erm, her private parts. I didn't want to say vagina, it seemed a little clinical when she was clearly arranged in an erotic pose. She was thin, with caramel skin and not a single hair out of place, despite being bent across a table like some sort of dish.

Her hands were laced behind her back, secured in a latex binder of some sort. A line of cherries ran from her lips to her other lips. The stem of the last cherry disappearing inside her. It seemed wrong to try and look at her clinically when she was spread before him... like supper.

"Oh, I forgot about this," Ash murmured. He glanced back at me and shrugged, "You can join us if you want, or..."

I whirled on my heels and headed back toward the elevator. I needed some distance. How stupid I had been to think that he was even vaguely interested in a girl like me, when clearly anything with two legs was enough! I was angry with myself for being so self-indulgent. I knew nothing about this man other than I didn't like him, so why had he disarmed my guard so easily? let myself be led on by his seduction techniques?


I shook my head as I retreated with what little grace I had left.

He caught me as I reached the button, spun me around to face him, "I think that you have the wrong impression of me."

"I think it is you who have the wrong impression of me, Mr Whisper."

"I'm not—I wasn't trying to imply that you would be the sort of woman I would buy—"


"You really are the most insensitive creature!" he informed me.

"I've had enough of your snide insults. Enjoy your supper," I wrenched my hand free and smashed it into the button.

"You can't just go off half-blinded by petty emotions like jealousy," He snapped. If I had of been thinking clearly, I would have noticed how much it bothered him.

I felt my powers flare even as I stabbed a glowing orange finger at his chest, "Let's make something clear, Mr Whisper; I am not attracted to you in any way, shape or form. Far from it. You are the most arrogant, snide, and rude man I have ever met. A minute ago you implied I was a cheap whore, you bring me up here on some pretence of saving my life and then offer to do some sort of kinky sex-act! I find you repulsive! You are the single most hateable man I think I have ever met."

The lift opened and blessedly he looked a little taken aback. I smacked the button savagely for the lobby and the doors closed.

I shook slightly with barely contained emotions. I was just overtired, mostly, I suspected. I needed to sit down for a few minutes, have something to eat, collect my thoughts. Here I was, no money, a broken phone and in the middle of a hotel I didn't work for. And someone had just bombed the hotel I did work for.

This morning I had been worried about money for gas.

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