Final Issue

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Phantom carried me out of the terrifying warehouse. I was too weak and shaking to walk on my own- I'd lost a lot of blood.

There was no Daystar, just Phantom. Frankly I wasn't that upset.

"How did you find me?"

"I've been narrowing down Combustions routes and hide-outs. I got lucky, some video footage of a man driving without moving his right arm triggered my search criteria in the computer and I took a gamble. Daystar is at another site."

He placed me on the hood of his car, a hand on either side of me, "Dion, you are nothing like my wife."

I frowned, I had thought this chestnut had been put to bed. Apparently not.

"She would never have gotten herself into a situation like that- she didn't trust anyone. Especially me."

"That I can believe."

"You look like her, but you aren't her. I am sorry for trying to treat you like her."

"Where is this going?"

"Dion, I'm a shapeshifter."

I rubbed my head, "Phantom, I've lost a lot of blood. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, I'm bleeding, freezing and I just killed a man. Get to the point."

He grabbed my chin and tilted my face up, then placed his lips on mine. His body began to change and morph into that of Daystar's.

I pulled back, "No..."

"Daystar, the one you met, is a robot. The real Daystar died fighting Combustion a few months ago. I made the robot to keep up appearances."

"No, no..."

"Dion, I am sorry I lied." His face melted back into hateful red eyes and cold humour.He had played me like a fucking fiddle.

I felt sick.

"Dion, I... I couldn't function without you. I thought if we met, if I could make you love me again... I could... I don't know." He fell to his knees in front of me, his voice raw, hands grabbing my shins like a lifeline. "Maybe I thought I would be able to erase all the pain... start again like it never happened. But you aren't my wife. That man killed her. And even if I couldn't have you again... I am glad you put him down."

I wrenched myself free of him.

He looked up at me, tears falling from his eyes slowly.

It was an act.

I couldn't take this.

I rolled off the hood of the car.

I didn't remember falling down. My legs were functioning, then they turned to jelly and I fell on my knees. I'd tripped over my dress. Grey spots flickered across my vision. My head felt light.

I got up slowly, the world spinning.


"You arrogant, manipulating prick!" It wasn't my best material. To be fair, I wasn't thinking straight.

He caught me before I face planted and opened the passenger side door to his car.

I shoved him away, "I don't ever want to see you again."

He kissed me.

I shoved him away, "I hate you."

He lay a small kiss on my forehead, then one on each eyelid.

"I really hate you."

He kissed my lips, softly, chastely.

"I hate you." My voice was faltering. Tears started to form in my eyes. I shoved him away, trying to wipe the tears off my cheeks violently.

"You are so beautiful when you cry."

The End.

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