21. "Robin"

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Brian’s POV

I started thinking about everything that had happened between me and Mandy. Everything I had put her through because of the band and now I just wanted her to be happy. Even if that meant her going back to Maryland with Carey.

I didn’t want to go to the hospital. I could care less what Matt and Val did. Mandy was strong she didn’t need me.

I opened another beer and sat on the couch.

I heard the door open and the yelling began.

“Brian, where the fuck are you?!”

Matt ran into the living room like he was on a mission.

“What the hell dude I told you to be ready! We need to get to the hospital! “

“I’m not going.” I didn’t bother to look at him when I answered. I knew he was gonna be pissed, but I didn’t care I wanted to be alone in my own misery.

“Brian you need to fucking get your shit together! Mandy needs you.”

“No she doesn’t Matt. She has Carey and he is what’s best for her right now.” I honestly couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth.

“Brian don’t you get it?! Mandy is in love with you! Not Carey. She came to my house tonight crying for you! These past few months have been hell for her, but she stayed by your side through it all.”

“These past few months have been hell for me Matt. She wasn’t the one who lost her dream; she wasn’t the one in the hospital for a fucking month!” I yelled back.

“You need to open your eyes Brian! You are Mandy’s dream! She was in that hospital for a fucking month too! Not just for the love of her life, but for her sister and her niece or nephew! She held it all in for both of you! She was the strong one! You need to figure yourself out Brian. We’ll be at the hospital.” As Matt walked out the door, I was beginning to realize how much of an ass I had been, I didn’t deserve Mandy.

Joel’s POV

I was now the proud father of a baby girl, but this moment just didn’t seem right without Alisha. I sat by her side waiting for her to wake up. I couldn’t bring myself to go out to the lobby. I just sat there with Alisha and our baby fast asleep in my arms.

She was as healthy as she could be, but Alisha wouldn’t wake up.

I asked the doctor to fill everyone in on what was going on.

Because of Alisha’s critical state only me and Mandy were allowed in her room.  

Mandy’s POV

I sat with Carey waiting with everyone else for any news. I wanted to break down, but I had to be strong for everyone else. Matt and Val had gotten here about an hour ago, but still no Brian. It was driving me insane that he couldn’t be here for me when I needed him.

“Mandy you alright?” That was all it took for the tears to fall freely. Once again Carey held me.

Everyone else sat in silence, the doctor came out a few minutes later.

“Mandy Sawyer?” I stood up.

“Alisha is still unconscious, but she is stable and we are monitoring her closely. Joel is in the room with your niece.”

“My niece? Is she ok?”

He smiled. “She is the healthiest little baby girl. You can go back and see them now.”

I nodded. “Thank you.”

I followed the doctor back to the room and once I walked in. I saw my beautiful niece.

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