Introduction~ Lana

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(For the fans who stayed with me throughout book one, this is for you. It's raw. Enjoy, my loves) 


"Concern yourself with not what is right and wrong, but with what is important." 


Sometimes I get this annoying voice in the back of my mind that tells me what I'm doing is wrong, but to be quiet honest I usually ignore it and say fuck it instead. 

What's the point of listening to other people if we were born to be our own person? 

Grabbing the bong from its bottom, I flick my lighter over the bud and inhale. Blowing the smoke out, I repeat the cycle until my vision is amplified. A cough wants to erupt, but I hold it in and smile while handing the bong over to the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on. No, that would be an understatement. He was 100 times hotter than the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on. 

His name is Tony. 

And that's pretty much all I know about him. Oh, and that he smokes weed. Good enough information for me. 

While retrieving the bong from me, his hand lightly brushes against mine, sending tingling sensations up my arm. I watched with intensity as he sucked the smoke into his mouth, and then released it with closed eyes. For a moment, I imagine running my hands down his bulging arm muscles, which contained multiple tattoos, up to his slick black hair. He wore a black tank top with baggy cargo pants and black Jordans. His right eyebrow was pierced with a black stud, and although everything about him screamed danger; I ignored it. Like I always do. 

"Lana, you good?" he asked me in a heavy Hispanic accent. Oh, I'm more than good.....

"Yeah, thanks," I said, still studying him. His eyes drifted to my face, where I was caught ogling him. But I'm not really one to mind. 

With his eyes on me, I slowly continued to check him out from top to bottom. His brown tanned arms looked so inviting, waiting for me. 

"See something you like?" he questioned, smirking at me with plump lips just merely feet away. 

"Oh yeah, most definitely," I said while leaning in to kiss those full lips of his. 

I'm not really one for words either. 


If you really want to get to know me, you should know that I get fixated on things very easily. Fixated as in once I see something I like, there's no stopping me from achieving it. And right now, Tony is the center of my attention. After our little make out session yesterday, I discovered he could give me what most guys couldn't: lust. 

Now don't think I'm some big whore or anything. I'm not. Or maybe I am. That's for me to decide. What I am aware of is that I like having fun and enjoying life. Lately, the term enjoying life has taken on a whole new meaning when I found drugs and boys. 

There was a time when I was innocent and had fun in the purest ways possible, swinging on a swing as a kid or flying a kite with my parents in the park. Then my father passed away in a car accident, and those particular fun times flew right out the window. Sometimes I wish there was a way to reverse things so I could go back and absorb every ounce of my father's love before he left. But that's a lot to ask for. 

Currently, I reside in a duplex with good 'ol mommy, but it's not like I'm ever really home. Most times I crash at friends houses or if I'm really feeling my oats, I sleep outside like a homeless person. Call me insane. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Once again, that is for me to decide. 

Today I don't feel like riding the bus to school or bumming a ride with a friend, I just feel like walking. The sunlight is out and the rays instantly warm me up from the inside out. Reaching into my rasta colored purse, I pull out my pack of cigs and light one up. Should have enough time to finish it before reaching school.

I get a little ahead of myself sometimes. Right now I should be explaining what I look like or what I'm wearing, not describing my bad smoking habits. 

Guess I should be talking about how "long" and "luscious" my black hair is, or how "slender" my body is. Maybe talk about my "crystal clear" blue eyes or "pale" skin. Or should I talk about the tight ripped black leggings I have on with a red tank top on that simply says, "Kiss me." Or do the red vans on my feet interest you more? Or the red lipstick?  

I fucking hate clichés. But there it is for you, what I look like and how I'm dressed. Happy? 

Now, don't go thinking I'm a big bitch.  I'm just a rolling stone is all. 

Suddenly, a red mustang pulls up beside me. Tony flashes me an award-winning smile from the driver's seat that literally melts my heart. Maybe he's the right guy for me?

Only time will tell. 



Watching this girl, the way she acts and her choice of actions, reminds me of myself not too long ago. No wonder I was assigned to her. She's a pistol all right. 

Unfortunately, she's not tough enough to escape them. 


Hope you continue reading! Whatever you do, don't hate Lana. Just don't. One thing I encourage you to do is vote and comment on this chapter, I really would like some support! 



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