A Little More Than Worried~ Angel

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"What people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things."


 My heart sank in my stomach as I watched Lana smash her lips onto Tony's. 

Such a beautiful, smart girl. Her life was about to whither away right before my very eyes just as mine had. And there wasn't a single thing I could do about it in this exact moment. My mission involved patience, and that would prove to be difficult for me because right now all I wanted to do was swoop her up in my arms and fly her away to a better place and save her from this approaching nightmare. Or at least warn her in some way. It just wasn't time for that. 

There were certain smaller steps I had to take before taking bigger ones, that was one of the rules He gave me. Nothing could happen too fast. He offered no explanation for His order, so I didn't question it. 

Our eyes locked for a brief moment after their kiss. I tried my hardest to send her a look of disappointment. My first plan was to befriend her then make it obvious that I didn't approve of the gang or Tony. Girlfriends usually value each other's opinion. Or at least I'm pretty sure they do. Just like her I didn't have very many people that I was actually close to, just casual friends whom I partied with. 

Hunter and I walked away from the situation, and after we were many feet away from them I let out a huge sigh of relief. I also loosened my grip on his hand. 

"You know we don't have to necessarily breathe, right?" he reminded me with a smirk. 

"Some things won't ever change for me," I replied, tapping his hand with my finger. 

Our next period class was Creative Writing. It used to be my favorite elective because it always came naturally to me. I used to write all the time but lately I'd been too busy with my new life to pick up a pen. Thankfully Lana chose this class, and to be honest it rather surprised me that she took it. She didn't seem like the writer type. Maybe I judged her too quickly. 

The bell rang and still no Lana. Panic began to kick in and that was all thanks to Tony and my assumption that she was probably with him. 

The teacher was a short, stocky woman with dyed orange hair and a wide smile. It was rare to find a teacher genuinely smile in high school, so I instantly liked her. She warmly introduced Hunter and I to the small classroom of nine and told us we didn't have to share our writing if we didn't feel comfortable doing so. Our first assignment was writing a short story on what defined living life to the fullest and living free. 

There is no better feeling than defying the ones who tell you what to do. Who control your life and intrude with pretend bitter happiness. The best feeling is finally realizing the power you thought they seized over you was actually nothing but artificial power. Living freely means making your own choices, whether good or bad, and living your life content with knowing you are where you are because of what you did to get there. Once upon a time there was this girl who was put in a dangerous position where....

My writing was halted when suddenly the door opened and in walked Lana. Her once perfect lipstick was smudged and smeared, and her clothes were in disarray. My previous thoughts had been confirmed; she had indeed been with Tony. 

The most disappointing thing; nobody else but me noticed the satisfaction in her eyes, or the way her head lolled back in pleasure when she sat down. She smiled in a lazy sort of manner that made every optimistic hope about today vanish into thin air. 

Kissed By My Angel~ Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now