A New Project~ Angel

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"So long as we walk where Angel's tread, 

We need have no fear of the road ahead!" 


Her name was Lana. 

She was 17, blue eyes with long black hair and a reckless spirit to top it off. She smiled more than most did, she went through boys faster than the speed of light, liked fast cars and drugs. She was me as a human, and I couldn't have asked for a better first person to be assigned to. Is it too soon to say I love her already? 

The only downside: she was going to die soon. It was inevitable; except now she had me to protect her. 

I was thoroughly informed of her situation from Him to get a better understanding of her; Lana's father had passed away years ago and she lived with her mom in a halfway house. Just like how my mother passed away and I lived with my Dad in a small apartment. She smoked weed and cigarettes, popped pills and dropped acid on weeknights. All the stuff I used to do with Tony and his gang back before everything turned chaotic. Speaking of Tony, he slithered into her life just as he did mine; by turning on his charm and providing free drugs and parties galore. 

Apparently they had just met and if my calculations were correct I'd say he probably already has smoked her out and turned the charm on. If Lana was anything like He described, then she most likely turned her charm on right back and I'm sure they kissed already. It wouldn't surprise me since they both moved pretty quickly when it came to relationships. 

Although what she would have with him couldn't be considered a "relationship." 

Okay so honestly, I felt a tad bit jealous. Not in the "I wish he was still mine" ex-girlfriend type way. Back when we first started dating he made me feel so special, then he betrayed me and all that shit went down. He moved on so fast and it made me feel unimportant, unwanted. Like I wasn't special enough for him to stay. 

Sounds fucking ridiculous, right? 

To clarify, I sincerely want nothing to do with him at all. At all. Nada. But since I spent a big chunk of my teenage life with him, it just kind of blows. I hate his guts and want him dead now.

 And who needs him when I have Hunter? He smothered me with his love in the best way possible and made me feel like a true angel every day. When I think of him, all the bad thoughts evaporate into thin air. 

"Angel," Hunter calls from outside the doors to His office. 

It's amazing how just one word from his lips can make me feel so good. 

"Tell me all about it! Who is she? What's she like?" his pelted me with excited questions while wrapping me in a hug. 

"Her name is Lana. Let's just say she's going to be a handful," I responded, giving him a sly smile. "I can't fucking wait." 


This is so thrilling! Today I got assigned someone to watch over and now for the first time I get to actually meet her. Technically, I would be fully invisible to her and she wouldn't even see me, but still. Her actions would be seen by me and she doesn't even know it. Most might think of it as an invasion of privacy, but when her life is at stake we can't really afford to take the long route. It's easier to observe their actions and thoughts from afar for awhile, and watching her will help me out more when it comes to saving her since I know what to expect, Hunter told me. 

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