Just Some Girl~ Lana

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"Someone you haven't even met yet is wondering what it'd be like to know someone like you."


 The weirdest thing happened today at school in my first period.

While I was daydreaming in class about Tony, these two new students walked in, a girl and guy. Their hands were clasped together and their bright, cherry faces surprised us sleepy students and we all stared at the couple in awe. The girl was beautiful, with long brown hair that reached her hips while the (very attractive) guy had a lighter brown color and deep green eyes. Both had on dazzling smiles that made even the teacher a little shocked because most kids came in with lazy attitudes and droopy frowns.

He let them pick their own seats after he welcomed them to his class. As the girl confidently walked down my aisle, I noticed how much I really liked her outfit. Red pants were definitely my style. She plopped into the seat in front of me and the guy chose the empty seat beside her. For some reason I wasn't surprised.

The way they looked at each other made me realize how in love they were. Good for them, I suppose. That kind of true love would never find me. It would never scoop me up in flawless wings and fly me away from the drama that is my life. 

For some reason I felt odd being around them, and not in a jealous way.

Tony crossed my mind again and I spent the next few minutes doodling tiny hearts on my assignment paper. Suddenly the girl in front of me whipped around in her seat and stared me straight in the eyes.


All of those weird feelings rushed back to me as I stared in her radiant brown eyes. The feeling I got the other night when I thought I was being watched returned and sent goose bumps down my arms. She made me feel uncomfortable in a way I didn't quite understand. There was this instant connection between us, but it wasn't something I could comprehend. So I ignored it.

"Can I borrow a pencil?" she asked in a breathless voice, like asking it was difficult for her. Maybe she was shy or something. 

My eyes quickly took notice of the pencil already in her hand and before I could contain it the bitch in me came out. 

"Why the fuck are you asking me that? You're holding one right in your hand," I stated obviously, rolling my eyes. 

Sometimes this impulse inside of me takes over at certain times, and once it gets out it's hard to rein it back in. So I focused my gaze on the paper in front of me and continued doodling. Even without looking at her reaction I could tell my response stung. What can I say? If you go prodding at a beehive what do you honestly think is going to happen? Today is just not the day to fuck with me. My head is in huge disarray since the other day and I need to patch things up again so I can proceed on with my life. 

I did heroin. Still can't believe that. 

In the aftermath I've been trying my hardest to forget about it and say to myself, "Well that was fun, but drop it" but she's always in the back of my mind. Urging me to remember the weightless feeling of not being afraid to jump. I want to feel fearless again. At the same time admitting that makes me want to punch myself in the face.

It happened one time, that's it. How could one afternoon altar my emotions and thoughts permanently? 

Easy answer: because I already loved her so much. 


Thankfully I avoided the couple when the bell rang, not wanting to encounter another strange moment with the girl. Whose name was Natalie. I may or may not have looked over her shoulder to see her answers on the assignment. Okay, fine. I was curious about her name because I'm tired of considering her "the girl." Not that it really mattered to me. 

My legs carried me off in a different direction than to my next class. My body was aching for a cig after that antagonizing last period. Just a few puffs then I'd go to class. 

On the way there I pass by "the wall." That's what everyone calls it because it's always occupied by the local gang, LFL. There was a slight chance I didn't walk past it on accident. Cough cough, Tony hung out here with his friends all the time.

Of course I know that guys in gangs were dangerous, duh. But come on. They're hot as fuck. And danger seems to knock on my door all the time, why not make it knock a little harder? 

I'm corrupt, but whatever. 

 Some things that need to be said about LFL (or La Familia Latina), they don't mess around. I know earlier I mentioned they were just a local gang, but truth be told they're way more than that. Let me start by explaining about drugs. They don't just deal petty shit like weed, it's all about the cocaine, molly and LSD. The shit they get is straight from Mexico itself and how they get it is a mystery to everyone. My guess was connections in the right places and members who weren't afraid of cell time if caught. The gang sold their shit to people from our school and all around the area. 

Next comes the fighting. Everyone gets into little arguments every now and then about crap that no one really cares about. A tad bit of hair pulling, a few kicks and maybe even a hit or two is about the most exciting it got here before LFL came. The first few people who got on their nerves were like "examples" to the rest of the student body. They literally destroyed them. Their message was clear: don't fuck with us. The guys can pack a mean punch while the girls use their long fingernails as talons. Winning is never an option if you're up against even one of them. Wish they could teach me a few things. 

Then lastly came all the other basic stuff that comes with gangs: the bets, the money, the cars, theft, territory drama, drinking and what not. I hear some of them have killed before. It wouldn't surprise me at all. 

Sometimes going to school with them is intimidating. I mean one wrong word and my ass is grass. Wish I could say things weren't like that. And most importantly wish I could say that Tony wasn't like that. 

But it was clear in his eyes. He enjoyed violence, liked surrounding himself with obstacles in his way so he can smash them to a million pieces. He'll get this gleam in his eyes on rare occasions that scare the living daylight out of me. There's no doubt he's been to some bad places, but asking about them isn't any intention of mine. 

Not saying that he'd hurt me, but who knows. 

I've been in abusive relationships before. But since I never turn out to be the scared girl those types of guys usually go for, they bail. Leaving with a bruise or few. I don't let people take advantage of me, ever. 

But as I walk through the hallway, Tony looks up at the right moment and we make eye contact. His smile lights up my world and he approaches me at the same time he wraps me in a big bear hug. Forget the angry gleam in his eyes. He is amazing.

He plants a light kiss on my mouth and right then I notice how pissed off LFL looked. They glared at the odd couple as they walked by while the two stared directly at me. Natalie looked at me with worry etched on her face like she was scared for me. 

I didn't know what was going on, but I could handle myself just fine. 


Will get better at updating. Please leave a comment/vote for me and pretend you love me (: Loves, 


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