Reunion (Pt. 2)

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~ Taehyung POV ~

I'm really drunk right now. I can feel the dizziness. Jin hyung planned to head home. Our car is opposite the club so we need to cross the main road. I can't control myself. I start to walk anywhere. I can't walk properly. I regreted to drink about some bottle of wine. "Tae! Control yourself!" I heard Jimin hyung yelled at me. Gosh, what is happening? I felt like I'm dying. I about to collapsed when Jin hyung fetch me. "Aish.. You're drunk boy." He murmered. "Psbuenzuaagw hfscsgs." I can't control what I'm saying too! I cursed myself.

"Since Tae, Suga hyung and Jungkook is drunk, let's go home." Jimin hyung said. "Ani!" Suga hyung shook his head. "I want *hiccup* to enjoy!" He said. "No Yoongi. You're drunk!" Jin hyung said strictly. "Ani.. Hyung *hiccup* please. Give us *hiccup* 30 minutes for *hiccup* we enjoy before *hiccup* we head back home." Suga hyung begged Jin hyung. "It's already 11.30 pm, Yoongi." Jin hyung said. "Please hyung. 30 *hiccup* minutes only." I begged him. He sighed. "Okay. 12.00 am we will head back home." He said. We thanked him and enjoy our last 30 minutes.

Jungkook and I dance on the dance floor while Yoongi hyung kept drinking his wine. I think it's already 4 bottle of wine that he had drank. Hoseok hyung, Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung and Jimin hyung sat on the barstool and talk about... Urg, I don't know. I continued dancing on the dance floor as I enjoy myself.

~ Jimin POV ~

I watched Jungkook and Tae dancing as I'm sitting at the barstool. I don't know how to bought them to the car opposite the main road. It must be difficult since the 3 of them drunk so badly.

To my surprised, I saw a girl with a white dress not far from me. She bids her hand to me. Then, Jin hyung interrupted. "What are you looking at?" He asked me. I stared at him and stared back the place the strange girl bids me but, she's not there anymore. I wonder who is her. "What are you looking at?" Jin hyung asked me again. "I saw a strange girl with white dress bids her hand to me. And now she's not here. Strange." I answered him. "Ah.. You're hallucinating." He said. "Yeah, maybe." I replied him. I glanced at my watch, 11.55 pm. Another 5 minutes.

12.00 am

"Hyung, it's already 12.00 am." I told Jin hyung. He nodded at me. We pulled the 3 of the drunk ass out of the club. I supported Jungkook while Jin hyung supported Suga hyung. Hoseok hyung supported Tae and Namjoon hyung walked alone. We crossed the road. Suddenly...


We've been hitted by a car. Taehyung and Suga hyung fly and fell far from us. I can heard people crowd us and say, 'Help' and 'What is happening?' until my eyes shutted.


Wow.. A sad chapter :(

What do you think happened next?

Bye readers!


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