Chapter Thirteen: Empty Eye Sockets

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It's not the TV screen/ It's not my family/ I'd still be damaged even if I grew up perfectly/ It's something deep inside/ Something I can't explain/ It's like I've got a disease without a fucking name – Enemy by Papa Roach


Back home, Mom and Dad had an argument, but it was before I got there. Tab told me that Mom told him that she wanted a divorce. I'm kinda glad they did have an argument because then they weren't worried so much about where I've been this whole time. I know Mom will be asking later about Gwen though.

I'll just have to come up with a little white lie, I guess.

Dad left, and Mom told me to watch Revy and Tab while she went to go see her mom. She just wasn't feeling well, and she has been crying. Dad called her all kinds of names.

"I wanted to fucking hit him," Tab tells me angrily as we all three sit in my bedroom. "He called her a bitch, a thief, and some other shit. He just thinks she's trying to take his money... It was fucked up."

I scowl darkly. "Where is he at now? Do you know?"

Tab shrugs as he sits cross-legged on the floor with Revy while I'm up on my bed. "I don't know. He just said that he was done. He packed up a lot of his clothes and left so I guess he moved out."

"Good riddance then," I mutter.

Tab sighs as he stands up then looks down at Revy. "I'm going to go play some video games. You wanna play?" he asks her with a frown.

She shakes her head. "Actually, I kinda want to hang out with Pia," Revy says as she looks over at me. "If that's okay with you."

I shrug. "I don't care. If you want to hang out, it's fine with me."

I feel like this isn't just going to be hanging out.

Tab nods. "All right. Have fun talking about girl shit," he mutters before walking out of my bedroom and shutting the door behind him.

Then it was silent.

Revy looks up at me with her electric blue eyes and I look back. I could definitely see similar facial features between her and Zamiel.

"My brother dropped me off at school the other day... He went straight to you. Have you two been seeing each other?" Revy asks me curiously.

I really wasn't sure what to say because I don't know how much his sister really knows about him. I guess it would be best to stay on the safe side though.

"Yes, we've been seeing each other lately," I tell her quietly. When I clear my throat, I wince at the pain I could feel in my throat. I'm bruised on the outside, but I think he did some damage on the inside as well.

She looks at me with a blank stare. "I can tell by the bruises on your throat."

My eyes widen. Goddammit, are they really that noticeable?

I place my hand on my throat gently. "What do you mean?" I ask her with a frown.

Revy sighs as she stands up and sits beside me on my bed. "Zamie has changed a lot. The first time I walked into his apartment and stayed with him, he hurt me. He just grabbed me, but it hurt," she tells me quietly. "He hates our dad. He hates our mom too."

"He told me that your dad abused him," I tell her. "He beat the hell out of him."

Revy nods. "I never seen it. I don't doubt it, however, because Zamie always had bruises on him. He was never walking normal. He always had some sort of limp..." she trails off. "To be honest, I feel like my brother is hiding more. He just won't tell me anything just out of spite."

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