Chapter Fifteen: Savior

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If you decide to listen to this song, it's a very disturbing. So if you don't want to hear anything like that, please don't listen to it because it is about rape. If you do want to listen to it, you were warned.

Little child, looking so pretty/ Come out and play, I'll be your daddy/ Innocent child, looking so sweet/ A rape in my eyes and on your flesh I'll eat – Daddy by Korn

Everything happened so quickly, I couldn't really understand what happened. I was holding the knife out in front of me, and he tried to dodge it...

I stabbed him though. I could feel the knife plunge into his stomach. My hands were shaking when I looked down and saw the knife handle. The whole blade didn't go all the way through; maybe less than half went in. That was all I saw, and when I looked up, Zamiel is looking right at me with a storm brewing in his brown eyes.

"I'll kill you," he whispers as he grabs my hair with both of his hands.

Even with a knife in his stomach, he still manages to overpower me and back me into the counter. He has one hand in my hair pulling so hard I feel like my he's ripped my scalp out, and his other hand is has a death grip on my throat. My body slowly slides down against the cabinet and he goes down with me. Both of his hands are around my throat.

I have to get away. I need to get away from Zamiel. No more. I cannot be around this man anymore.

"GET OFF HER!" I hear someone yell then suddenly Zamiel is pushed off me.

I immediately felt relief when his hands were forced off my throat. I breathe in deeply like I've been drowning. I cough as lay over on my side with tears in my eyes, and my body is shaking with fear. I feel like completely shit, and my body feels limp and weak.

I'm surprised that I'm not used to being choked by now. And Zamiel's go-to attack is to choke a girl till she's about to pass out.

I fucking swear, I think I'm dying. I think I've already died technically once because of him.

"Pia, are you okay? Can you hear me?" a voice asks me. I feel strong arms bundle me up and lift me off the wooden floor. I cling to his neck, and my eyes are half-closed.

"Call..." I whisper as I shake my head sloppily. "Ambulance..." My throat is sore, and I'm so tired. I just want to sleep, but I don't want to sleep alone.

"I already did. I thought you were going to be seriously injured," the voice says.

My head clears slightly when I hear the front door open and close. I feel the sunlight on my face and smell the fresh air. My eyes squint open and I see that it's Josiah that was holding me in his arms.

Tears flood my eyes as I look up at him. "You came," I whisper hoarsely as I hold on to his neck tighter.

He saved me.

Josiah isn't wearing his uniform, and he kind of looks odd without wearing one. He's just wearing jeans and a shirt with running shoes, but he still looks really good. Seeing him in a blue shirt, I see that blue is also is color too. He still looks better in black.

He looks down at me with concern. "Of course, Pia. You texted me. I told you to contact me if you needed help. You really did a number on Rock. I called the ambulance because I thought you were injured, but you injured him. You did good, Pia. There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself so do not feel bad. I think he should be okay. You stabbed him in an area that isn't life-threatening."

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing honestly. He's going to keep coming after me till he has me completely.

He's going to keep coming after me till he kills me. Honestly, I'm scared of Zamiel, and now I don't know what he's going to do now.

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