Chapter Seventeen: Shut Up

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You let me violate you/ You let me desecrate you/ You let me penetrate you/ You let me complicate you/ Help me/ I broke apart my insides/ Help me/ I've got no soul to sell/ Help me – Closer by Nine Inch Nails

After my talk with Mr. Matt, it was off to break. I normally go to the cafeteria and hang out with Gwen, but today, I don't know. I just want to be alone right now and think about some things.

I just really need some alone time. School is the last place I want to be right now.

Just when I think that, I see Jeff walking towards me along side the lockers.

I couldn't hold back my groan when I saw him. I'm pretty sure how I felt about Jeff was written all over my face. I'm just so turned off to him completely. Now that I look at him, I don't know how the hell I was even in a relationship with this joker.

He frowns deeply as he tries to reach up to touch the bruises on my throat, but I slap his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me," I whisper quietly.

Jeff's eyes narrow. "Why would you let someone hurt you? What's wrong with you?" he asks me.

I freeze for a second. I'm so tired of people asking me what's wrong. I feel horrible physically and mentally. I feel hurt and sore. I feel overwhelmed and depressed.

I feel like everything is going against me. I feel trapped, and I feel like I don't know what to do.

Despite everything, I honestly just want Zamiel.

"There's nothing wrong, Jeff. I'm not your fucking business anymore so leave me the fuck alone," I snap.

Haven't I told him that before?

He sighs. "Please, Pia, let me help you. I still love you. I just want to-"

"I don't love you," I say coldly as I look up at him. "I use to, but after everything that happened, that feeling is long gone."

I walk away from him and head towards another area with lockers and wait out the crowd in the hallway before I head towards the girls' bathroom.

Jeff is an idiot. He's nothing but an idiot who thinks he's just perfect and God's gift on earth. I'm just mad that he acts like he cares when he doesn't. It just pisses me off. Everything about him is sickening.

Nausea is overwhelming me so bad right now I feel like I'm really about to throw up. I haven't ate today so that's probably why.

Still no period either. I think I'm four or five days late now.

I walk into the bathroom and go into one of the stalls to pee. As I'm peeing, someone walks in the bathroom and walks into the stall to the left of mine. When I'm done, I step out and head towards the sink at the very end by the paper towel dispenser.

My eyes narrow suspiciously when I see Samantha Reams walks out of the one stall that was beside mine. She strolls towards the sink beside mine, and it sort of pisses me off that she keeps picking shit that's beside me.

I finally sigh in frustration as I dry my hands and put the paper towel in the trash can. I turn to look at her.

"Do you have a problem with me or something, Samantha?" I ask her with slight irritation.

She has the bitchiest look on her face as she gives me a disgusted look. "Yeah, I do have a problem with you."

My brow arches as I try to weigh my options. Do I really want to know or should I just brush it off?

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