A Drawing of a Key

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     "15 men on a dead man's chest. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. Drink and the devil, had done it for the rest. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, ha ha!" Gibbs took a swig of his rum bottle. "Gibbs, please STOP your infernal singing. It's creepy." I scolded. Gibbs and I were the only ones on deck at the moment. The rest of the crew was below. We had been waiting on the Black Pearl for 20 minutes now, waiting for Jack to come back. He wanted to go alone, which I was very much against and still am. "Heh heh, sorry Jessica." Gibbs sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. I used to dislike Gibbs a whole lot, but now I'm more ok with him. That doesn't mean he can take advantage of the fact that I accept him now. The closest crew members to me are still Cotton and Marty. I swear they're a riot. Of course, I spend most of my time with Jack. I still love him, though I'm not as open to it as he is, and he returns it. I was currently standing at my favourite place on the Pearl, the bow(that's the front of the ship). BANG! I turned my head towards the sea. "Did you hear that?" I asked Gibbs. He shrugged his shoulders. "I reckon I just heard a gun shot." I clarified. "Hmm, it could be anything so don't worry about it." Gibbs responded nonchalantly. Ugh I'm so worried about Jack. I know him very well and I admit he is capable of taking care of himself, but sometimes he is SUCH AN IDIOT. "Yeah your right Gibbs." I agreed.

     Then 20 minutes later, a skeleton leg was handed to Gibbs, handed by none other than Jack. "Not quite according to plan..." Gibbs commented as he helped Jack up onto the ship. "Complications arose, ensued, were overcome. " He responded smoothly. "Jack!" I called and ran over to him. "Miss me, love?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. "Bloody right I did." I muttered. Jack began walking until the entire crew stopped him. He froze, I stood next to Jack, ready to defend. Gibbs was the only one who looked sincere. "Captain, I think the crew, meaning me as well, were expecting something a bit more... shiny. What with the Isle de Muerta going all pear-shaped, reclaimed by the sea and the treasure with it." he spoke slowly. The crew all murmured in agreement. "And the Royal Navy chasing us all around the Atlantic." Leech complained. "And the hurricane." added Marty. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The crew was unhappy? It's all about having fun isn't it? These guys seem to just want some gold. I was snapped back to reality when I heard Cotton's parrot. "Walk the plank!" It squawked. Jack pulled out his pistol and cocked it at the parrot. "What did the bird say?!" He looked really frustrated.

     "Do not blame the bird."said Leech. "Show us, what is on that piece of cloth there." Before Jack could respond, that stupid monkey came swooping down and snatched the cloth right out of Jack's hands. He yelped and shot the monkey, causing it to drop the cloth. "You know that don't do no good." Gibbs sighed. "It does me." Jack grunted. I walked over to where the monkey had dropped the cloth. "It's a key." I informed the crew. "No, much more better, love." Jack replied as he walked up to me. I handed him the cloth. "It is a drawing, of a key." He justified, and unraveled the cloth for everyone to see. No one said anything. Jack sighed. "Gentlemen....what do keys do?" He asked. Still silence. "Keys...unlock things." Leech spoke uncertaintly. "And whatever this key unlocks, inside there's something valuable. So we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks!" Gibbs concluded. Jack pointed at Gibbs. "No." He then stepped closer to Gibbs. "If we don't have the key, we can't open whatever it is we don't have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?" Jack explained. I'm used to him talking in riddles, so that explains why I'm ever the only one who's able to understand him. "So...we're going after this key then!" Gibbs proclaimed. Jack eyed Gibbs as if he had three heads. "You're not making any sense at all." 

     I put a hand over my mouth to hold in my laughter. "Do we have a heading?" Marty piped up. Jack brightened. "Ah! A heading! Set sail in a general," Jack paused to point the way, but the compass kept changing. I looked over his shoulder to watch. It finally stopped. "That way direction." Jack finished, pointing in that direction. "Come on, oi move." He ushered the crew to make way for him. Everyone went to their stations and prepared the ship. I noticed Marty and Gibbs conversing, but I ignored it and followed Jack to the helm of the boat (that's where the wheel is). "Jack, we need to talk." I stated as I finally caught up with him. He turned around to face me. "What's on your mind, love?" His eyes twinkled. "Will is going to get married and I want to go." I let the words quickly fall out of my mouth. He looked a bit disappointed. "But we have stuff to do, love." I sighed. "I promised him that I would visit and when I got his letter, we just have to go. How about you drop me off and I'll come back to you?" Jack frowned. "I don't know about leaving you, love. But if that's what you want, I'll send you a bottle so you know where I am." I beamed and hugged him. "Thanks Jack." He sighed and stroked my hair. "Anything for you, love."

     I had arrived in Port Royal. As I made my way down to the docks, Jack tapped me on the shoulder. "I don't get a goodbye?" He pouted. I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. "There's your goodbye." Then I pecked his cheek. "And there's your I love you." I added. He grinned. I turned around,nbut he called out to me. "Oi! Jessie! Catch!" I whirled back around just in time to catch...his compass? "You can use that to find me too." Jack called and waved as the ship left the port. I waved back. Alright, now to find Will. I strolled into Port Royal. I knew the place quite well since this is where Norrington docked the ship when they found my brother and I. Until that Elizabeth realized that both me and Will couldn't be saved, so they shoved me into a dingy and abandoned me on an island. But we had stayed here for a few days, so I knew most of the place from memory. Even though I didn't want to take this specific trip down memory lane. 

Ahoy me hearties! 😁 Oh boy, Jessica returns to Port Royal. What an interesting turn of events! Short author's note today! Gotta start that next chapter, right? Yeah! Keep reading, savvy? See ya mates!


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