Chapter 5

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 At first I was petrified, I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was going to be sick, but I forced myself to look around more carefully. I could see land. Like -- Like an island. Multiple islands. I looked for the closest one, nodded to myself, and waded as quickly as I could closer and closer to the island until I reached it.

I was the only one there; at the moment. I ran to the cornucopia. No food, water, packs, nothing. Just weapons. Nothing but weapons. I grabbed a bow, all the arrows I could find, and an assortment of knives.

I hooked the knives to my belt, threw the bag of arrows over my shoulder, then I heard footsteps. I whooshed around, one arrow out of the sack, poised to shoot at whoever was behind me. Finnick Odair.

He had his trident pointed at me. I just stood there for a moment, completely still; knowing he could throw his trident in the blink of an eye. "So I see your a good swimmer as well."

"I guess so." I said to him. I still held my bow at the ready. If I was going down at the very beginning, so was he. He lowered his trident.

"Well it's a good thing we're allies then." We were? What? Had Haymitch made him my ally without my knowledge? Why wouldn't he just tell me? Oh well. What's done was done. I just nodded, ignored my confusion, and slowly lowered my bow.

I walked to the shore, listening and watching carefully for other tributes. I looked for Peeta, then finally found him still on his glass cylinder. Could Peeta swim? I guess not. I went to swim out to him, but Finnick pushed me back.

"I got it." I tried to go ahead anyway, and he patted my stomach and said, "You shouldn't strain yourself too much in your condition." His eyes grew wider for a moment. He seemed... Surprised to actually feel my stomach, actually feel the somewhat large bump there.

Had he known that Peeta had planned it to be a lie? If everyone thought it was a lie, maybe they wouldn't actually target me. Who knew. I nodded, and Finnick swam out very quickly to Peeta, then pulled him back to the shore.

We stayed there on the island just for a while, long enough for everyone to catch their breath and get weapons from the cornucopia. Finnick pulled in Mags as well; the older woman from his district, and we began wandering off, all the other tributes just beginning to arrive at the cornucopia.

Then of course, the blood began to shed; and the sound of cannon shots rang in my ears.

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