Chapter 12

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"Hello remaining tributes!" he began, sounding horrifyingly cheerful. "And may I give you a hearty congradulations on your success thus far! But for two of you, this current success will diminish quicky as the Hunger Games draw to a end. There is to be a feast at sundown. This feast will host a large supply of WATER. One of you needs this desperately. The others need to locate the other tribute. May the suspense begin..."

Me and Peeta looked to one another as he finished. "So what are we going to do?" he said finally, after minutes of just staring at each other.

"Well actually," I stated proudly. "I think I have a great idea. Peeta, how would you feel about pulling a foxface?"

"How so?" he asked. Oh, yeah. Peeta had absolutely no idea what I was talking about.

"Um, well," I explained. "When I -- you know -- went to the cornucopia to get your medicine, um, at the feast last year... Foxface hid in the cornucopia and was out of there before anyone else even knew what was going on."

I saw Peeta's frustrated expression when I brought up the subject of when I had knocked him out to sneak off to that feast. But that didn't matter now. All that mattered were THESE Games now, staying alive long enough to see that Peeta won.

Repetitive, I know, to speak about my destiny to die and Peeta's needing to win so often; but it's exactly what I was thinking almost every second during those Games.

I kissed Peeta before we sepeeated, I felt the need to. Just in case. Just in case. "I love you," I whispered.

I peaked through the trees and watched as Peeta walked and disappeared into the shadows of the cornucopia.

The sun was barely dipping below the ground when the water appeared. But where was Johanna?

I shifted to try to get a better view of the area, and winced as the leaves and branches around me crunched, threatening to give away my spot. But no one came, so the crunching must not have been that loud.

So I moved once more, thinking it was safe. But my scream of pain and the knife now dug into my stomach pointed to otherwise.

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