Chapter 6

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We hiked farther and farther through the jungle, until we finally decided to stop and make a temporary shelter. It was boiling out, so Finnick suggested we take shelter under some trees with large hanging leaves, that created shade from the burning sun. We had hiked miles by then, I was sure; yet we still hadn't found water.

We were all just laying around eating berries and nuts we were sure was safe. I stood. "I'm going to go and try to find some water." But Peeta stood just after me.

"No, I will. You sit down." I might have been pregnant, but I wasn't going to act all weak and defenseless. That really would get me targeted.

"You can come with me if you really think you need to, but I'll be fine." He nodded and insisted on coming with me. I sighed. "Alright."

"No need to act so annoyed by it." he grinned as we began wandering about, not too far from the 'camp.' "You were the one who said I could."

"Yeah," I said. "But just remember: You don't have to volunteer to do everything for me. Then everyone will think I'm weak and target me." Peeta's face became pale.

"I hadn't thought of it that way. Katniss I'm sorry, I can go back to camp and you can --"

"No," I locked my hand with his. "I didn't mean to worry you. It's fine. I like having your company." I smiled and he returned it. My tongue and the inside of my mouth were starting to become completely dry. I needed some water.

Suddenly I stopped walking and put my hands on my stomach. Peeta stepped in front of me and put his hands on top of mine. "Katniss? What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm fine. I just --" Then I threw up all over the place. Thankfully Peeta jumped out of the way just in time. I would have been so embarrassed if I'd thrown up all over him. He put his hand over my shoulder and his other on my stomach again.

"Are you okay?" I was. I didn't even feel sick. But my mouth and throat were so dry, they were burning terribly.

"Yeah," my voice even sounded crackly. "It's just, I really really need a drink. There has to be some water somewhere --" Then my voice broke, and I started choking. I didn't even have any spit in my mouth to swallow down and comfort my throat.

I caught my breath eventually. Peeta looked worried sick, and I felt bad. I didn't need him worrying about me any more than he already was.  "Don't talk," He ordered me. I nodded. I ate a couple more berries, but the juice I swallowed merely soothed my throat for a few seconds.

Then it became just as dry as it had been before. There was nothing I could think of to do except find some water somewhere. Unless the cameras had shown what had just happened and there was a nice sponsor out there.

And apparently there was. The small gray parachute fell in front of us. I knelt down and picked it up, and Peeta was right behind me. He was really worried about me. I lifted off the small silver cap, and inside was... Was... Some kind of some small metal contraption.

I had no idea what it was. Neither did Peeta. When we took it back to camp, neither did anyone else. Why would Haymitch send us this?

Who knew? I mean, it was Haymitch. No. There's got to be a reason. I thought to myself. Haymitch may have been lazy and a drunkard, but he wasn't completely stupid. Think.

Okay, so we had been in need of water when he sent it to us. Could it have something to do with water? I thought as hard as I could, then ruined it when I looked up and Peeta and broke my concentration.

That got me thinking about him, then about the last couple of days... That was it! I knew what it was! Alright, so the last couple of days me and Peeta had been watching old Game videos to prepare, and a girl had had one of these!

I jumped to my feet and yelped out a dry gasp. I cleared my throat and choked out, "I know what this is!" I held up the object. I walked up to a tree and pulled one of the knives out of my belt.

Peeta and Finnick were close behind, and Mags just sat and watched. I began jamming the knife furiously into the same spot over and over. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

Then I shoved the larger end of the object into the hole I'd created in the tree. A moment later water began to trickle out the other end.

Finnick laughed, Peeta gasped, and Mags still just sat there. I smiled. We each took a drink and my throat and voice returned to normal. Finnick wove baskets tight enough to hold water and filled them up.

"We should probably keep moving." Finnick suggested. Everyone agreed and we started walking.

Of course, Peeta wanted to walk first, but I wouldn't let him. I was going to prove to everyone that I wasn't completely weak.

So I walked ahead of the group, looking for maybe and easier source of water, or a well hidden shelter. We walked and walked...

Then suddenly I heard a zap, and found myself flying backwards through the air. White spots danced before my eyes and I smelled something burning. Then I blacked out.

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