Chapter 7

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Brandon Routh as Robert Hyde

Sophia's POV


Just maybe, I over reacted in this matter. I don't know why, I just can't stand to be with him. He kind of makes me, pull-my-hair-off mad. The wind caressed my face as I drove off to our house deeply thinking about those mesmerizing green eyes. The way they scanned my face and slow steady smirk growing on his.....

 The way they scanned my face and slow steady smirk growing on his

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Holy sh*t!!!

I stomped hard on the breaks before I could run over a limping dog. What the hell?

I jumped out of the car, ignoring the murderous glares from passerby, and saw a whining white puppy, limping and shivering with fear

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I jumped out of the car, ignoring the murderous glares from passerby, and saw a whining white puppy, limping and shivering with fear. Nobody even had the audacity to stop and tend to this little one.

I crouched down slowly in front of it and held out my hand to tell him I mean no harm. "Hey little guy, I'm sorry I scared you. Are you hungry?" I asked cooing to him. He waits and sniffs my hand, then slowly limps to me. I take that as a chance and extend my other arm to pick him up. He whines again in pain as I steady him in my arms. "There, it's okay. We need to check on your paw first." I say and pat him lightly. Quickly, I walk up to my car and settle him carefully in the backseat. I switched on the GPS to locate a nearest vet clinic.

Two hours later, I was able to get the pup checked, buy him some food and bed rugs to make him comfortable. The wound was because of another dog bite and would take atleast three weeks to heal.

While I got the pup out, Charles offered to help me with the materials. "Sophia! Just because we lau... Oh my God! He's so cute, so small so white! Where did you find him? And oh my God! What happened to him?" Rachael ranted on, not allowing me to explain.

"Let's have a seat so I can tell you and this guy gets rest." I said and they nodded in agreement. Mike and Rachael set up the bed at the corner of the living room just beside the fireplace and I placed the pup on it. Stuart and Sasha got food for him. When that was over, I narrated the story obviously ignoring the "green eyes" part.

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