I tiptoed in the house since I seen my mom was home.It was another car outside but I just thought she had somebody over.
Jayceon and I woke up extra late.12pm to be exact so I decide to not go to school since it was basically already over.
When I got to the bottom of the steps I heard some people talking in the kitchen.I decided to be nosey and listen from afar.
"Dirya I'm ready to meet them" a familiar voice said making me furrow my eyebrows.
"Their not ready to see you,you met lay just give me some time to break it down on them" My mom said.
"Why can't you just call them over?"
"Because their not ready Jeffrey!"My mom yelled."their not ready to see the man who left their mother to be with another women when they were only 10 and 13.Their not ready to see the man who made their mother cry over and over again!"
"I've been here for months now.I have to leave next month and I still haven't seen my two other kids"
"You sure did see some kids that's not yours when you left me to go be with their mother"
"Mom?" I said walking into the kitchen.
I seen the man who looked exactly like he did when I was 10.I looked at him and back at my mom.
"What's going on?" I said sitting down at the island counter
"This is your father" my mom said clearing her throat.I quickly looked at the man standing across from me.
"Is this for real" I said with my hand over my mouth in shock.
"Yes Jadah" my mom said looking down."Why are you not at school?"
I ignored her question and stood up.I ran to my dad and gave him a tight hug.I pulled away from his hug with tears coming from my eyes and punched his shoulder lightly.
"Why did you leave? You missed so much of my life" I said hiccuping."You've missed out on 7 years why?"
"Jadah I know,and I'm so sorry" he said with tears coming out of his eyes as well."I want to make it up,I want to explain everything top to bottom"
I looked over his attire and he looked like he was doing great."When did you come back?"
He looked at me in complete awe.Like he regretted leaving his precious little girl."I came back a couple of months ago.Temporary,Buisness trip"
"Why didnt you come and see us?" I said as I looked at my mom.
"Why wouldn't you let him come see his kids?" I said with more tears coming out of my eyes.
"Jadah you guys aren't re-"
"No we are ready! We had a relationship with him too" I said pointing at my self."Me and Dorian should've Been the first to see him"
She looked at me as tears came down her face.I hated to see my mother cry but right now
Wasn't her time to feel like a victim."Give me your number" I said turning to face my dad.He pulled out a business card from his pocket and gave it to me.
"I'll call you tomorrow,for we can catch up I'll try to convince Dorian to come too Okay?" I said wiping the tears off my face.

Thug fetish
Teen Fiction[SEXUAL CONTENT AND PROFANITY WILL BE USED IN THIS BOOK] commenttttt give me yall feedback//still under construction ------------------------------------ Jadah is a average teenager her life is going decent until she falls for a man 4 years older t...