*1 week laterAfter a long day of school and running errands with my mother,I was at her house.
"Hey Lady bug" My mom said coming inside my old room.I looked at her and smiled."Hey momma"
"I was just coming inside to tell you I was going to be heading out to go get your sister in a little,I wanna talk about a few things though" she said sitting down on the bed.
I sat up and sat Indian style."Ok,wassup?"
"Have you thought about your future career?" She asked.
"Yes,I'm following your footsteps,NICU" I said smiling.
She smiled and hugged me."Trust me,you won't regret it.What college are you looking at?" She asked.
"Well since your going to need some help with Lay I was thinking about taking online classes,of course the hands-on classes I'm going to have to take at a actual college but that'll only be twice a week.Im thinking about going here" I said looking at my beautiful mother.
"Baby dont let me be a burden,what about Louisiana state? I thought we had some plans about going there?"
"No mom it's fine,I want to help, I probably don't have to,but I want to". I said putting my hand on her shoulder.
"Your So sweet,My little girl is maturing now" She said grabbing my hand and squeezing it."You know this came so unexpected,my duties on earth isn't finished,I still haven't seen you and Dorian get married,I still haven't seen you graduate,And I'm still raising my little foxy mamma,but I can't stop Gods plans" my mom said.Her eyes was getting red indicating she was about to cry.
I pulled her into a hug."Mom it's going to be ok,God's plan isn't finished yet,excuse me for this,but your going to kick this cancers ass,dig a hole,and burry it" I said patting her back.
She laughed a little."You got that right"
"Now stop crying ma,you making me get teary eyed,you know I don't like crying" I said wiping her tears.
"You sure was crying a little yourself though" she said wiping some of my tears as well.
We shared a laugh.
"Have you talked to Dorian?" She asked.
"Nope,hes been M-I-A" I said laying my head on her shoulder."You know Jamie's mom forcing her to adopt her son?.Dorian doesn't know though"
My mom gasped."I have to talk some sense into my old business partner,that's ridiculous" my mom said shaking her head.
"I know right,I'm happy your not like that,I mean,Jamie's on the right path.Yeah her being pregnant might have slowed her down and when she have my nephew she's probably going to have to take a break but,dam-I mean dang" I said feeling bad for Jamie.In my opinion Jamie's going to be a great mom,how would Jamie's mom feel if her mother would've did that to her?
"All we can do is pray" my mom said.
"Mom I'm really your daughter,that's what I be saying,Just put it in Gods hands" I said.
She chuckled."That is right baby,that is right"
"I was thinking...." she started.
"You know with all that stuff that happened a couple of months ago? With you getting taken by those boys?" She continued.
My mother never knew Demary was apart of the kidnapping.She also never made a police report because I begged her not to,We already took care of it.

Thug fetish
Teen Fiction[SEXUAL CONTENT AND PROFANITY WILL BE USED IN THIS BOOK] commenttttt give me yall feedback//still under construction ------------------------------------ Jadah is a average teenager her life is going decent until she falls for a man 4 years older t...