Oh yeah,my birthday was yesterday 😁
Jadah"That food smell good a fuck mom" Dorian said rubbing his stomach."If I tell you this one more mothafucking time,I'm beating yo ass to hell and back! Stop cussing in my home.About another 30 minutes and the food will be done". My mom said taking the macaroni out of the oven.
My mom insisted that me,Dorian,Jamie,and even my Father came over to have a family dinner.She claims she has something to inform us on.
"Look at how big my grand baby getting" My mom said rubbing Jamie's stomach."Did you find out the gender yet?"
Jamie smiled and looked at Dorian."Well,I really want you guys to know so...it's a boy"
"A junior,your making him a junior right?" My mom asked.
"Nah,his name gone be Ja'Rian" Dorian said rubbing his hands together together."I can't wait for little man to get here" he added.
"Another boy added to the generation" My dad said.
My mother scoffed
Me and Dorian chuckled for the simple fact our mother was being petty,our father had at least 4 other sons with his current wife.
"Im so happy for you bestfriend" I said rubbing her belly."hi nephew,aunty JaJa ready for you to come out for I can spoil you" I added talking to her stomach.
"Have you guys came up with any middle names?" My mother asked smiling.I could tell she was excited.
My mom always loved Jamie because she wasn't the type of girl to give off a disrespectful vibe,plus Jamie grew up around her so there always had a bond.
"Well, I was thinking about giving him a mixture of you,Jamie,and Mr.Dolas middle names mom" Jamie said rubbing her belly.
"Aweee" I said.
"What about me?" Lay asked coming into the kitchen.
"You too little sis". Jamie said laughing.
"Well give it to us,what's the middle name" My mother asked.She was itching to hear it.
"Ja'Rian Lamarion Dolas" Jamie said cheesing hard.
"That's a dope ass name" I said earning a smack in the head from my mom.
"I came up with first name" Dorian added.
We all looked at him and sucked our teeth.
"Yo ole peanut head,shrimp neck,donkey looking self ain't come up with nothing" Lay said throwing her tiara at Dorian.
"Oh yeah?" Dorian said running after her as she ran screaming.
"Chill all that screaming out!" My mom yelled.She walked out of the kitchen and started to cough.
She was coughing really bad so my dad went to check on her.
While everyone was gone I decided to ask Jamie about her mother.
"How's Mommy doing" I asked referring to her mother.We always called each other moms,mom.
"She's good I guess" she said lowly.I could tell that was not it,she had more to tell me But was holding back.
"Come on,let's go talk about it" I said grabbing her hand.
We went upstairs to my old room and sat down on the bed.
"What's going on?" I asked.I knew Jamie's mom wasn't the happiest about the pregnancyonly because she had a vision for Jamie,she knew how she wanted Jamie's life to go before she even got pregnant with Jamie.

Thug fetish
Teen Fiction[SEXUAL CONTENT AND PROFANITY WILL BE USED IN THIS BOOK] commenttttt give me yall feedback//still under construction ------------------------------------ Jadah is a average teenager her life is going decent until she falls for a man 4 years older t...