I think that it's kinda normal to be stressed on your first day of college. And maybe a little excited too. To meet new people, Make friends and go to parties.

But I didn't want to make friends. And I wasn't excited at all. I wasn't here for the parties, or the guys, or whatever. I was here to study my passion, visual arts.

I've always loved visual arts. arts in general to be honest. When I was young, my father took the most incredible pictures. It was so stunning, so breath-taking that it was actually surreal. he gave me his passion for the arts, and I want to follow his path.

So after getting my schedule, I went straight to my class. There was no one yet in the auditorium except one small red-headed girl with freckles who was eating an apple, and a lightskin with blue eyes and short dreads. I decided to sit in the back, where I was sure that no one will see me. I took out my pad and began to draw. A few minutes later, the class was full and the teacher entered and sat on his table. He began his "welcome to my class" speech and i zoomed out for a little bit when the teacher clapped his hand and said "Excellent. Can someone explain to me what is The art of Photography?" a few hands rose and some guy said "There is not art in phhotography. you have to know how tu use a camera, that's all." What. An. Idiot. I was furious. I stood up and, guided by rage, said "I respectfully disagree." the entire class or so turned to face me. I could feel myself shaking. The teacher, Mr.Riggs or something looked at me, and, in total peacefulness said "why don't you develop your argument Miss..." "De La Cruz", i answered drily, "And yes, of course i will explain. Photography IS an art. Not any Idiot with a camera could take a good picture. When you take a picture, it's to express your point of view. express how you really feel. Express your vision of the world. That's what photography is all about... And if you don't agree, what are you doing here? Well see i could give a 4hours speech on what is the Art of Photography. But 1- I couldn't because my lack of social skills is a little bit too big. And 2- I'm pretty positive no one would listen to it"I was shaking, realising what i just did, when someone in the audience whispered "i would". It took me a while to find out who that was, and I saw him. Ethan? Wait no... they were two. two ethans where staring at me, just like the rest of the auditorium. and then the other Ethan, Clapped his hands and stood up. Ethan number 2 followed him, and quickly, the whole auditorium was standing, even the guy who said that photography wasn't an art. I sat down, shaking really hard, and took my bag. I couldn't breathe, and I feel like i was dying. It was the first class of the day and i was in the middle of an attack. Thank God the class rang and the teacher gave the homework. And then he added a Quick "Miss De La Cruz and you two, I want you to come to see me." Of course the "two" were these twins. I went to see him and he said:

"first, i'm proud of you. No one would stand up to Baron." So that was his name. Baron, the idiot who thought that photography wasn't an art. "and also, I saw you take this pill. I used to have anxiety too. But when i was young my teacher helped me by giving me people to "guide" me. And I decided that Ethan And Grayson would help you, if they want it of course." The twins didn't even look at each other and said "yeah of course". But I didn't want friends. I wanted to succeed in what i do. "No thank you. I don't need friends. Or guides or whatever you call them. I want to excellent in what I do." Mr.Riggs said something that really marked me. "I know that you are not you. And how do you want to take good pictures If you are not yourself. Having someone to talk to, having a friend, is the best for you to become yourself, if not happy." I thought about it. He was so right. That was exactly what my father told me when i was young. "okay, i'll do it." The twins smiled at me. I know that they were trying to be nice, but i just really wanted to punch them. Before getting out of class, the teacher asked me "Oh miss De La Cruz, I was wondering, are you related to a certain Olive De La Cruz?" his question shocked me. How did he know her? "Yes... she is my mom. Why?" Mr.Riggs seemed happy. he just said "Tell her that Joshua says hi." "yeah of course whatever". So I went out of the classroom followed by the twins. I suddenly stopped, turned to them an said "wait... so who is who? Because i really need to know if I have to be stuck with you for the rest of this school year." They both laughed, and the guy I knew was Ethan, because he was wearing the same black jeans he was wearing this morning said "Oh, you will know soon enough" And we went, like the three musketeers, to the campus cafe to eat while waiting for our next class.

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