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Blue sky, no clouds

Laughter so loud

Mother so proud

Summer outside

The whole world is mine

Sailing cloud nine

-"That's Life," Meadowlark

July 13, 2018

There was so much going on on Friday that James felt as tempted as anyone else to stay at the ministry late. He had not, to be honest, realized what time it was until Elise came stomping around the corner into Gillespie's office at close to six that evening, evidently having heard his voice.

"What on earth are you still doing here?" she asked, cutting right across Gillespie.

James blinked, surprised by her sudden entrance. "Um," he said.

"You've got a birthday party to get to. Go," she said.

"I know," said James. He glanced at the clock and his stomach dropped. He really hadn't realized how late it had gotten. And he had not seen Piper all that week. "I will. I just have to finish up this one thing." He and Steve had been put in charge of cleaning up the online situation because they collectively knew more than the rest of the department about the internet (which was still minimal) thanks to James' snippets of information collected from his muggleborn students and Gillespie's sister-in-law who was a squib.

"No, James. Go," she said.

"Who's birthday?" asked Gillespie.

"My- Dawson's kid," he said. "My best friend's daughter."

"Oh I remember her. How old is she now? Seven?" he asked, clapping his hands together.

"Twelve," said James. "But close."

"Is she really?" he said. "It's been that long?"

James glanced at Elise, still standing in the doorway. "Yep," he said.

"James," she said.

"Alright fine, I'm going," he said. He began to collect his things, and pushed himself up from his seat.

"Send me an owl if anything changes drastically," he said to Gillespie.

"Sure. Think we've got things pretty well under control around here. Thanks for your help."

"Course," said James. He stepped towards the door, said his goodbyes and followed Elise into the hall.

"Well uhm- have a good weekend," he told her. "Have fun with your family."

She nodded. "You too," she said. He saw her glance down the hall and then she kissed him quickly, before anyone could see, and turned and headed back to her office without another word.


"There you are," said Raigan when James stepped into the kitchen.

"Sorry I'm late," he said. Something about her tone made him feel unexpectedly guilty. He had not seen either her or Piper since the previous Sunday due to recent events at work. "Got caught up at the office. It's been a crazy week."

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