Chapter 22

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I stuff my blanket into the duffel bag. Christina finishes cleaning up her her chipotle trash from lunch.

"Ok, I'll go change my shirt and I think we can head out. The doctor signed the discharge papers, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, and here," she takes the shirt from my hand, replacing it with flowy tank top,"This will look better."

I smile, bringing it to the bathroom to change. For the first time, when I look down, I feel something. Knowing this itty bitty baby bump will turn into something amazing. Knowing this is an incredible thing coming from a terrible situation.

I slip on the shirt, and put a sweatshirt on over. Christina has everything cleared, so I grab my bag and head out. My hood is up over my head, covering up my face as much as I can.

Christina follows me closely, making sure nobody is watching. We climb into the car, and throw our things in the backseat.

"So straight home? You need bedrest, and lots of water." Christina insists.

"I guess. But could we stop by my parents house? I really do want them to know, and they are so understanding!." I ask, anxious.

"I guess one stop can't hurt, it's close anyways." She responds, driving out of the crowded parking lot.

We drive down an old road, mainly just avoiding other people. It is a very scenic route though. The trees are turning golden, and the leafs fall gracefully through the air. It's like something out a cliche movie!

"They are on HollyLeaf Lane right?" Christina asks, slowing down by their street.


She pulls into the driveway, parking right behind one of Mom's Mercedes.

We climb out of the car, and walk to the door, leaves crunching under our shoes. I ring the doorbell, and almost immediately the door swings open.

"Tris! No way! We were just about to come over!" My Dad exclaims, pulling me into a hug. I smile,"Hi Daddy."

Christina gives him a hug. We walk in and sit on the couch, waiting for Mom to get downstairs.

Meanwhile, he plops beside me, throwing an arm around my shoulder,"So what's up kiddo?"

I am hesitant, but manage a quiet,"I have some news. But we need Mom before I can tell you."

He nods,"Of course sweetie."

While we wait, Christina shows me pictures of baby onesies she designed, and extravagant cribs.

It doesn't take long until Mom comes down the stairs, holding a giant box, rattling around.

I give her a warm smile, and stand up to give her a hug. "How are you sweetie pie? You kniw, with everything going on?" She asks, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm fine. I can't be bad, then the media would just twist my anger into something terrible." I explain.

I hear another bump from the box. "What's that mom?"

She smiles, "Go sit down and close your eyes, I'll show you."

I go over to the couch, and cover my eyes, excited. Mom sit's the box down, and I hear a little noise that I can't place.


"Of course!"

She places two little thing on my lap,"Open your eyes!"

I look at my lap, to see a little corgi puppy and a little Savannah  cat kitten.

"Are you serious right now!" I squeal, pulling one into each arm. The little corgi licks my face, and the kitten snuggles into my arm, purring.

I dont know why, but tears come to my eyes. "These are the cutest little things I've ever seen! Thank you so much!"

I hold them close, petting their little heads an bodies. The corgi has such little legs, I love it!

"What genders?" I ask, scratching behind my corgis ears.

"They are both girls, what are you naming them?" Dad says, petting my little kitten.

"I don't know yet, I just got them!" I laugh. I get on the floor and play with them for a little while, the two getting along well.

After a few minutes, Dad pipes up, "What was your news?"

A breath is hitched in my throat, remembering why I came here in the first place. I pick up my little babies, and sit them on the couch with me.

"Right. Ok. I'll start from the beginning. So, a few months ago, at Christinas birthday, I got really drunk. Like really drunk."

I see Mom roll her eyes,"We were all young once, don't rub it in."

I laugh,"Well yeah. That night fun. Well 2 nights ago, after Tobias tried to apologize and have gave me a bullshit excuse, I was going back to my room when I felt really sick, and I passed out when she opened the door."

Mom gasps,"Why didn't you call me!?!"

"Calm down, I was busy having an emotional breakdown. Anyways, we get there, and when I wake up I get the runthrough. I was dehydrated, under immense stress etc."

"Honey you can't work yourself up so much!"She interrupts,"You should be taking care of your body and making sure you don't overreact!"

"Mom please," I try to interject, but she holds up a hand. "No no no, I get it. You want to let go of the stress. Do I need to help? I can make you aromatherapy candles again! Or incense, or-"

Finally I stop her,"MOM I AM PREGNANT!"

Her whole face freezes,"Wait... what did you say?"

I grab her hands. "Mom. I. Am. Pregnant."

Dad doesn't move, seemingly lost in his own mind.

"Well, honey. I...I am so happy! I just wish it was under different circumstances. After all, this child will need a father figure. I guess you do have friends to step in and protect it."

I smile, tears coming to my eyes.

"Of course Mom. I will do everything possible to make my child's life wonderful."

Dad finally snaps out of his trance,"I am going to be a grandpa?"

I laugh, crying now,"Yes Daddy, you are going to be a grandpa."

He grabs me from the couch, engulfing me in a hug. I nuzzle my head in his shirt, there is nothing like a father's love.

Christina stands back letting us celebrate for a minute.

"Do you know the gender?" Mom asks.

"No, I want it to be a surprise. I am already thinking of names though." I admit.

She smiles,"So what will you do about the media? Your friends? Tobias?"

"I plan on using a disguise to babyshop. I also want the girls and Will, the Pedrads are not reliable. And Tobias, doesn't have to know. He left me, he left his child. That's final."

For once in my life I feel so incredibly secure, like no matter what I am supported. Like if I fell off a building there would be a net to catch me. I feel happy.

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