Special chapter (edit)

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Izuku- "Hello everyone! For reading author's crappy story, she's gonna do a special for you guys! So, what are we doing guys?"

Uraraka- "Teaching the basics of Japanese! It's quite simple once you get a hold of it :)"

Izuku- "If you already know Japanese, author really needs you to teach her more she's desperate ;-;"

Izuku- "ANYWAY! What we will be teaching you is Hiragana. It is better to learn Hiragana first then Katakana, and Kanji. Hit it off Todoroki!" (She also doesn't know how to word this :,))

Todoroki- "There are many characters in Hiragana, so before you began to write you need to know the basics of it.."

Iida- "Get your pens and paper, here we go!"

(there will be the sound out of the characters at the end of the parenthesis)

あ (a) ah

い (i) e

う(u) uh (it's not like uhhh it's kind of like o but not like an english o just, nvm it's easier to hear the sound of it and then repeat it)

え (e) eh

お (o) oh

か (ka) kah

き (ki) ke

く(ku) ku

け (ke) keh

こ(ko) koh

さ(sa) sah

し(shi) she

す(su) su

せ(se) seh

そ(so) soh

た(ta) tah

ち(chi) che

つ(tsu) kinda sounds like sue but with a 't' sound

て(te) teh


な(na) nah

に (ni) ne

ぬ(nu) nu

ね(ne)  neh

の(no) noh

は(ha) ha

ひ (hi) he

ふ (fu) hu

へ (he) heh

ほ(ho) hoe

ま(ma) mah

み (mi) me

む(mu) muh

め(me) meh

も(mo) moh

や(ya) yah

ゆ(yu) yuh

よ(yo) yoh

ら(ra) rah

り(ri) re

る(ru) ruh

れ(re) reh

ろ(ro) roh

わ(wa) wah

ゐ (wi) we (barely ever see this?)

ゑ(we) weh (or this)

を(wo) woh


Todoroki- "Those are the ones I am teaching for now, before we begin, let me show you how to write a word with characters. For example, konnichiwa (hello or good afternoon) we will get the first character Ko(こ). Since there is no other character that has two n(ん) , we will write that second. After ん, ni (に) is next. I'm pretty sure you understand now, it's just like smashing the characters together.

Like this, こんにちは

  こ ko

 ん n

  に ni

 ち chi

 は wa (ha)

Simple right?

Explanation: the は (ha) particle has the (wa) sound. Yes, it's really weird but I will say what it is for. The は (wa) particle indicates subjects, and make sure to put it after the subject word. The meanings is kind of like "am, is, are" kinda deal. It emphasizes what comes after "it."

Kanji: 私は  焦凍 です。
Hiragana: わたしは しょうとう です。
Romaji: Watashi (wa) Shoutou desu.
English: I am Shōtō.

Uraraka- "I hope they understood after his horrible explanation ehe, but let's try something simple! How about we try moon first!"

つき (tsuki)

つ (tsu)

き (ki)

Kawaii (cute)


  か (ka)

  わ (wa) 

 い (i) 

  い  (i)
Tip: don't do かわい, that means scary. In order to say cute, carry out the extra い. If scary/scared, don't carry out the い.

"Now you try! If you can, comment them!"

Bakugou- "idiots! If they all want to be like me, they need to know die first!" 

shine (die)


し (shi)

 ね (ne)

Uraraka- Gahh he's crazy, until next time everyone! I will randomly post these chapters so you could learn with me :)! Sayonara!

Sorry I suck at explaining, I really hope this actually works for you loves, I tried >-<  but hope you study Japanese like I do! It's really fun to learn. I will randomly post special chapters when I feel like it if you want me too, Bye bye!

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