Chapter FOUR (A visitor?)

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After you guys ate and you finished washing the dishes there was a knock at the door and then a shout, "ANTI GET THE GOD DAMN DOOR WILL YA!!!" 

Of course Anti didn't he had you get the door, you open the door to see a tall man that had blood red hair, eyes like anti only they had a red glow to them. He looked you and did an evil smirk, "well well who do we have here?" the man chuckled at you.

"That's (Y/N) my human slave i guess," Anti said as he walked up to the two of you. "So why are you here Dark?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out to night and do you know what," Dark asked Anti, while you wondered what it was that it ws they would do.

"Hell ya!"  Anti smirked and then turned to you "(Y/N) as you now know i will be out for the night i will be back when you are asleep. You nodded, he explain to you what you needed to do, while he was gone, which was clean the kitchen and things like that.


"So when did you get her?" Dark asked me.

"Today," I answered as we looked for a target to kill. We found a young couple walking down the street, Dark pointed to them as to ask them. I nodded my head at him, we began to run towards them. Their screams were silenced by us cutting their throats, the blood splattered over our clothes.

"So what are your plans with (Y/N)?" Dark asked, as i shrugged in response while i dug out the eyeballs of the boy. I looked down and smirked thinking about how week they were.


I got back home (Y/N) was still awake, "what the hell are you doing up?" I asked. 

"There was a spider in my room," she told me.

"Really your scared of a spider but your not scared of a demon?" I asked her

"Spiders are super cree- hey why are you covered in blood?" she just now noticed the blood on me.

"Uh that is nothing and im sure the spiders gone so go to bed," I said.

"Can i just sleep out here?" she asked me giving me a pleading look, it kinda looked cute WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING SHE HUMAN IM A DEMON YOU ARENT MENT TO THINK THAT HUMANS ARE CUTE SHIT. I told her that she could just couldnt complain about how early i wake up.

Take me away Antisepticeye X readerWhere stories live. Discover now