Chapter Eleven (finding out what happened)

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*(Y/N) POV*

I turned on my phone this morning I had a bunch of texts from (F/N), the last one caught my attention.

F: I just saw your father being murdered the fucking figure that did it was damn creepy he told me not to tell anyone AND HOW IN THE HELL DOES HE KNOW YOU!!!

you chose to reply to her text.

Y: listen you dont need to know what and why as im not fully sure whats going on.

F: Just please dont tell him i told you he said he put an end to me if i told anyone.


You were a bit pissed at Anti, you go out to the living room he was still sleeping.

"WHAT THE HELL ANTI!" you yelled cause him to wake up from his slumber.

*Anti's POV*

I was woked up by (Y/N) yelling at me, i growled at "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I snapped at her.

"You threaten my friend last night?" she asked me looking very pissed at me.

"Well idk who it was how am i to know who threaten and dont?" I said in defense. She began to sob, "Listen (Y/N) im srry hearing you being abused by your father i just didnt like."

"Listen my father has had it always had it coming for him the whole time," she told me "but i do miss (F/N)." 

"I'm srry (Y/N), how about this you go and see (F/N)," I told her, "just please be back before dark, other demons can be out that dont know me and will either kidnap you and torturer you or just plain kill ya." She nodded got dressed and went out the door.

I know im probable going to regret doing this as she probable will never come back after what i did. I hate these damn feelings damn it, i always thought demons arent ment to have feelings.


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