Chapter Six (i dont know what to call it >3<)

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*Dark POV*

When i got to Anti's place i teleport onto the couch causing (Y/N) to go into Anti's personal space. I smirked at his facial expression, it was so red. Anti interrupted my thoughts by yelling at me. I chuckled in response saying "Oh, am i interrupting you two love birds?"

"NO!" Anti protested as his face got redder, as (Y/N) started laughing at him. "Now what the hell are you doing here Dark?" 

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place Bomb and Blade are coming over," i looked at him as his face went back to normal color, "You can bring (Y/N) if you want." Anti shrugged and nodded his head. "Great come by 5:00" i told them as i teleported away. 

*Normal Pov*

You were still in Anti's space after Dark left, you now noticing this you started to blush. Scooting away so Anti wouldnt see it.

"I dont always bite deary," he chuckled at you.

"I know but-," you trailed off not sure exactly what to say and started to look at the ground.

"But what (Y/N)?" he asked you, but you only shooked your head in response. "What ever, Im getting in the shower, and you should get in after me if your going to Dark's with me."

"Ok Anti," you told him with a smile.

*Anti's POV* 

Damn that smile but i have to get up to go shower. I got all what i need for the shower and got in.


I got out of the shower and got dressed, I could hear some music playing. I got out of the bath room and went into the living room to see (Y/N) dancing and singing to the music. "nice singing (Y/N)" i smirked at her.

"I-Im not that good" shocked a little bit but managed to get that out.

"well are you going to go get into the shower?" I asked her, she only nodded and went off to get into the shower. I looked at the song that she was singing, it was Little Red Ride Hood.                                      ( )


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