Chapter Twenty (again no name for said chapter)

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We got back to Darks place (Y/N) went and took a shower as she was covered in blood.

"So what happened exactly?" asked Dark, as he looked over at me.

"Blade wanted to ruin my life," I stated, Dark gave me a confused look.

"He wanted to that by killing (Y/N), he knew if she was killed it would destroy my life," I frowned thinking about it, i dont know what i would of done if he did kill her. 

"Well his plan backfired on him," Dark chuckled, "i never knew (Y/N) could be so violent."

"Short people and demons are psychos," I said smirking.

"So your admitting to your shortness?" Dark smirked, I growled at his remark.

"IM NO FOOKIN' SHORT YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted, god i hate being called short.

"Im done," (Y/N) called down from the room that Dark let her stay in while i away on my job. I went to the room that voice came from and went in it. I walked over to (Y/N) who was standing front of a mirror, looking into the mirror i saw the cut mark that Blade left in her cheek. I frowned thinking about it.

"Whats wrong Anti?" she asked me a bit worried.

"I just dont like that Blade hurt you, i wish i could of protected you from him," I said as we stood in front of the mirror.

"I know Anti but he's gone we dont have to worry about him any more," she smiled. She grabbed her stuff and we left Dark's and went back home.

ANOTHER CHAPTER DOOON AGAIN STUPID WATTPAD, srry that it is short ANOTHER THING im thinking about maybe adding a lemon or some smutt or something.

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