Days later..Homecoming! Annie's POV Time for homecoming! I put on my makeup and my dress. I don't have a picture of my dress and that's sad because I can't show you. (a/n sorry guys I couldn't find a dress to match the picture Annie will post on Instagram) I wait for Hayden to pick me up. Minutes later, he rang the doorbell. I was so excited to see him. I open the door. Haydens jaw dropped. "Wow. You look hot." He said. "Why, thank you! You don't look bad yourself." I said. He winked at me. "Bye, Mom! I'm going to homecoming!" I said. "Wait! I need pictures!" She said. "Mom! We'll take pictures there!" I said embarrassed. "I better get at least one!" She said. "You will! Bye!!" I said. "Ready to go, princess?" He asked. "Yes but I need a picture of you!" I said. "Okay." He said. I took the picture and posted it on the way. Here's what is looks like.
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❤️- 130k 💬- 57k Liked by its katiedonelly, kenzieziegler, and 128k others
annieleblanc - hey, look at my boy 💜 kenzieziegler - goals 😭 fan1 - omg are you guys dating? fan2 - @fan1 I hope they are!! 💜
Everyone wants us to date. I want that too. We head inside the school and the first song is a slow song. It was "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. I really love that song. "Wanna dance?" Hayden asks. "I would love to." I said with a smile.
Hayden's POV I think I should ask her out now. I'm super nervous but I really want to before any other boys do. I saw them all look at her and I got angry. I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna ask her out!! "Hey, Annie? Can I ask you something?" I ask. "Yeah, anything." She said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Aww. Hayden I would love to be your girlfriend!" She said. We hug. I gave her a kiss. I posted this on Instagram.
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❤️- 51k 💬 - 32k Liked by annieleblanc, kenzieziegler, and 49k others
haydensummerall - aww my girlfriend is so cute @annieleblanc
annieleblanc - i love u 💜
"Hey let's go to my house. My parents and siblings aren't home." I say smirking. "Really?!" Annie said. "Yup. We can do what ever we want." I said. "I know it's the beginning of homecoming, but that would be great." Annie said. "Hold on, I gotta ask my mom to sleep over." She said. "Yeah, sleep over." I said winking. "She said yes!" She said. "Thank god!" We leave the school and head to my house. We walk into my room and start making out. I take off of my suit and Annie takes off her dress. "Are we really gonna do this?" She asked. "Only if you want to." I said. "I do." She said. "Good." I said. We get back to what we were doing. Yes we used protection. I wasn't gonna get her pregnant. Hours later, we were sleeping and my parents still weren't here. I kiss her forehead and she woke up. "That was great." She said half asleep. "You liked it?" I asked. "Definitely." She said. "I love you, Annie." I said to her and kissed her forehead. "I love you too, Hayden." That was the best night ever. I love her.
~end of chapter~ woah. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Stay tuned for next chapter! 💜