~chapter 7~

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Hayden's POV
Today's Friday and I'm gonna ask Annie to come on vacation with me. We have a five day weekend and I want to spend it with her. I head to school and I see Annie at her locker. I sneak up behind her. "Boo!" I said. "Ahh!" She screamed. "Omg you scared me." She said relieved. "Hey, cutie." I said. "Hey, handsome." She said. We lean in and kiss. I pinned her against the locker and kissed her some more. Kenzie and Johnny walked up to us hand and hand. "So I guess the bed wasn't enough for you guys." Johnny said. "Oh, stop." Annie said. "We just cuddled last night." I said. "Sure you did." Kenzie said. "It's true! Plus her parents were home so we couldn't do it again." I said. "Hayden! Don't tell them!" Annie said hitting me. "Wait..you guys..did it?" Kenzie said. "Yeah haven't you two done it?" Annie asked. "No. We are only 16." Johnny said. "Oh well, some people have to be scandalous once in a while and that's why we left early at homecoming." I said. "No wonder we couldn't find you." Kenzie said. "Yeah." Johnny said. "There's nothing to be scared of, guys. Sure, you guys aren't ready but it takes time. One day you'll be ready." I said. "That is true." Annie said. "K. Well Johnny and I are gonna be late for 1st period so we'll see you guys later." Kenzie said. "Same, bye guys!" Annie said. We went on with our day after that.
It was the end of the day and I had to ask Annie about going on vacation. Annie and I walked to her locker. "So I've been thinking, we should go to Kalahari over our five day weekend!" I said. "That would be great! By ourselves?" Annie asked. "Ohhh Yeah." I said. "I would love to Hayden!" She said. She kissed me. "I'll pay for everything and we'll have the room to ourselves." I said smirking. "Oohh Yeah!" Annie said. "If you want, we could bring Jenzie and the could be a couple doors down from us. You know so we could all have our privacy." I said. "That's a great idea!" Annie said. "Let's go tell them!" I said. We ran to Jenzie and told them the news. They said they were down for it and we got our vacation down! We leave in one day so we told them to pack right after school. I went to my house and Annie went next door to hers. All of our parents said it was fine! I ran to my room and went to pack. I finished packing and I went to Annie's house to spend the night so we could leave and pick up Jenzie fast. We have to wake up at 3am and get there by 7am. 4 hours on the road. As I got to Annie's house, I helped her pack her items. After that we cuddled and watched tv. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Was on and we watched that. We actually made out for a while and then fell asleep. Tomorrow was gonna be great.

~end of chapter~
Sorry this was short! I really want to make the next chapter!!! Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!!

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