~chapter 10~

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~Fast for to second to last day~
Annie's POV
It's Sunday. Which means our second to last day. I'm really sad because I hate school. The only that made school good was my friends and boyfriend. But at least we had this get away. I decided to let Hayden sleep in and I text Kenzie.

Annie- well my man is asleep. what about urs?
Kenzie- yeah same.
Annie- maybe we should have a girls day! We should go to the pool! Swim and tan!
Kenzie- omg great idea!
Annie- get ready! Meet me outside our hotels in 10 minutes!
Kenzie- sounds like a plan!

I get ready and I head out the door. I see Kenzie and we head straight for the pool. We got out towels and seats and started tanning. Kenzie and I flipped over to where our butts were facing up. Next thing we know, two boys slapped our butts! We looked up and was offended but then we realized it was our boyfriends. "Damn, Annie. Look at that." Hayden said. "You see it everyday, Hayden!" I said kissing his cheek. "Kenzie, you looking fine from the back." Johnny said. "Stop!" Kenzie said blushing. She kissed him. "We got you guys some Starbucks." Hayden said. "Aww baby, you didn't have to!" I said kissing Hayden. "Well, we wanted to because you guys always get us up in the morning and we appreciate that." Hayden said. "Awww." I said. "I see you got your swimsuits on." I said looking at Hayden's. "Yeah. I want to go swimming with you." He said. "Let's go." I said. We all jumped in. We swam and had fun. We decided to go back to our hotel rooms to shower and change. We each ordered lunch at 12 and watched The Office. Hayden and I cuddled while watching the show. I can't tell how much I love this boy. I want to be with him for the rest of my life. "Hayden. I love you so much and we've been through everything together. I love you." I said. "I love you too, baby girl. Come here." He said. He pulled me on top of him and started kissing me. He went down from my neck to my chest. Then, he went to my stomach, which tickled a lot. Next thing I know we're doing it. It felt so good. Like you can relax from everything. I almost let out a moan but Hayden kissed me before it could happen. We used protection. About two hours later, we finished. I get in the shower and Hayden waits this time.

Hayden's POV
I wait for Annie to get out of the shower. I realized something. Like something was off when we did it. I check the condom to see if it had any holes or it was old. Oh no. It had five holes! "Annie!" I said. "Yeah?" She asked. "There's five holes in the condom. I got you pregnant!" I said in a scared way. "No that can't be." She said. She picked it up and looked at it. "Oh no. What am I gonna tell my parents? This was worse than the hickey!" She said. "I'm so sorry." I said crying. "Hayden, it's not your fault. I'm really glad it was you." She said. She gave me a hug and kiss. "I'm not mad. Plus, I think you would make a great Dad." She said. "Your parents are gonna kill me." I said. "We need a pregnancy test. I'l call Kenzie." She said.

Kenzie- hello?
Annie- kenzie! I need you to pick me up a pregnancy test with Johnny. Hayden and I did it and the condom had five holes
Kenzie- whoa. Okay I'll get one.

Kenzie and Johnny got back and ran to our hotel room. I went to the bathroom and peed on the stick. 10 minutes on the clock. 10 minutes later, I got the result. I walked out of the bathroom and told everyone. "I'm pregnant." I said. "Congrats!" Everyone says. Hayden gives me a kiss. "I'm happy to be your father of our child." He said. "I promise my parents won't get mad. If they do we have to buy a house ourselves. I saved up some money just in case I needed something important. This is important." I smiled at Hayden. I'm gonna tell my parents when we get back. "You gotta promise me you won't leave me?" I asked. "I will never leave your side, babe." Hayden said. "I'm glad to raise this child with you Hayden." I said. Kenzie and Johnny went back to their room. Hayden and I fell asleep. I'm gonna do this and take care of our baby. We are gonna be one big happy family!

Hayden's POV
I can't believe I got Annie pregnant. I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna propose to her so she can be mine. I love her so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her and our baby.

~end of chapter~
I've decided to make the characters 18 because I feel like 16 is too young. How do you feel about Annie being pregnant? Comment your reaction! Make sure you stay tuned for the next chapter! I hope it will me a good one! Bye guys! See you later! 💗

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