4~ How Do These Bastards Say These Things?..

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(Sorry to those who like the Schuyler sisters{'cause I do too}, but in this, they bully you as well, along with Maria. Basically; I made them a bunch of bitches)

Hercules' POV~~
We all groan as the alarm starts blaring, telling us to get the fuck up. I open my eyes and punch it, stopping the blaring beep noises. I pry my eyes open, look around, and see (YN), shaking a ton as she looks at all of us. Alex gasps a bit at the sight of her and pulls her close. I rub her arm "it's gonna be ok.. remember, we're not letting them near you" we all hug her close, cradling her. She smiles and clings to Alex. We all get up and start to get ready, (YN) being carried by Alexander. We get ready, rush out the door, and jump into Burr's car. (YN)'s sitting in my lap this time and I hold her close. She smiles at me and pecks my nose. I feel a blush rise up to my cheeks and she giggles softly. As we back out, she starts humming a quiet tune. We all listen to her as we're on our way to hell. Once Burr parks, we all groan as we see the Schuyler sisters, giving us looks and smiling at us from the front entrance stairs. (YN) cocks her head and Alex sighs "it's just Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy.." then Burr adds "I think they want to get with us, or bang us, or some shit like that.." she looks at them as we exit the car and I feel her start to shake. I look at the sisters, and they're glaring daggers at her. I silently catch the others attentions, motion to (YN) and the sisters, and they look. Everyone gets pissed, but especially Thomas; his face becomes a dark red and he looks above 'pissed'. I carry her on my shoulders and force everyone to the entrance behind the school so they don't beat the girls to a pulp and get in serious trouble. It's weird for ME to be the one preventing fights, but I just REALLY can't deal with this shit right now. We get in and I put (YN) down. We all take turns her and each other giving kisses and turn to leave. Before Thomas does, however, he hands (YN) his phone "Text us if you need help with anything, sweetheart" she gives him a small smile and nods. The bell rings and she runs to class, putting the phone in her pocket. I sigh "let's hope today's not that bad for her.." everyone nods in agreement and we reluctantly all go to different classes.

It's passing time between the second and third block, meaning only one more class before we can all see our (YN). I smile at the thought of being with the guys again, and us being with our little (YN).. then my smile immediately falls as I hear a very familiar voice, followed by 4 other voices. I rush down the hall and peak around the corner to see Peggy, Eliza, a and Angelica cornering (YN), while Maria holds up Thomas' phone and glares at her "what is wrong with you, bitch? Stealing OUR dream men?" (YN) is shaking terribly. Peggy scoffs "why do you think they actually want to be with a weak-ass pussy such as yourself?" Eliza snorts "we know for a fact that they would never take your 'kind' out!" After a second or two of silence, (YN) manages to mumble out "h-how do you know for sure?.. and pl-please give the ph-phone back.. it's n-not really mine.. it's Thomas'.." Eliza growls a bit at her, then smirks "then we'll return it to him. You probably took it from him anyway" she shakes more and looks up at her a bit "I-I can--" suddenly, Angelica shoves her to the ground harshly and that's when I definitely feel the need to step in "HEY! GET YOUR FILTHY, HOE-ASS HANDS OFF OF HER!" They all look at me and (YN) smiles a bit as she starts balling. I stomp over to Maria and snatch the phone away from her. I shove it in my pocket and go to (YN). I pick her up bridal style and glare at the other girls, who're in shock, one last time before walking off with (YN). She sobs and kisses me a bunch. I smile softly and cradle her. I pull out my phone and just tell them that the sisters and Maria try to pull something with (YN). I asked someone to get Thomas and meet me by the tree out back. We get there first, but just barely, as they run out right after us. They see (YN)'s tear stains and run even quicker. They hug her as we all get to the tree and sit. She rests her head in Thomas' lap, her midsection on mine, and feet on John's. She whimpers in pain a bit, and I then remember how she fell when Angelica shoved her "(YN), can you lift up the back of your shirt? I wanna check your back" she nods and sits in my lap, facing her back to me. When I lift up her shirt, I'm speechless, and so are the others. She has a huge purple and grey bruise on her middle back and near her tailbone. "O-Oh my god.." Thomas stutters out. She looks at us all and whimpers "wh-what?.." I tremble lightly "Angelica.. left a big mark on you.." her eyes go wide and she shakes. We all hug her close, being very gentle so we don't cause any pain. She nuzzles into it and smiles softly "th-thanks guys.. I-I-I love all of you s-so much" we all smile warmly and speak in sync "we love you too!" She blushes lightly and giggles, her smile growing. We hear the late bell ring, causing Alex to curse lightly under his breath. (YN) apologizes quietly and we all look at her. Thomas cups her cheeks "don't apologize, sweetheart.. it's not your fault those girls are dumbasses" she smiles softly and chuckles, putting a hand to one of his. He giggles and she smiles like the adorable lil' goofball she is. We all stand and rush back inside, telling (YN) happy things so she doesn't get anxiety about heading back inside, like how once we get home, we can snuggle up under our fuzzy blankets.

They made a horrible mistake hurting her..

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