The Most Dangerous Game (Part 1)

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I spun around, staring into his dark eyes, my hands beginning to tremble.

"I can't--"

"Yes,I know. You can't. You're a naive Northern girl that has no taste for anything pleasuring whatsoever." Oberyn's tone was as harsh as tree bark. "You know, you greatly offended me last time, when you ran off like that. What were you thinking?"

"F-forgive me, my lord," I stammered, twisting my fingers together.

"How do you know I'll accept it?" Oberyn asked, grabbing my shoulders and backing me into the brick wall behind me. "You don't know who I am, do you. I am the Red Viper of Dorne, known for coating my blades with deadly poisons in battle--" He drew a short,ornately decorated dagger from his belt, pressing it to my neck."—and known for fucking half of Westeros."

He placed the point of the dagger to the collar of my dress and jerked down in a quick slicing motion, tearing the expensive fabric. Panic rose up inside of me, and I raised my arm to shove him away from me.

I should've known Dornishmen have fast reflexes.

No sooner did my arm even move did Oberyn fluidly duck away from my swing, twisting underneath it and digging his fingers into my upper arm, slamming it into the wall above my head. Pain shot down my arm as my knuckles collided with the hard wall, my arm going limp in his grasp.

"I usually don't do this," Oberyn said. "Forcing a lady to fuck me is something I don't usually do. But with you, wolf, I just have to have you."

"Was this your idea of making me happy?" I whimpered, squirming in his grasp. "Does this really look like happiness to you?"

An unreadable expression crossed the Dornish prince's face, and he let go of my arm, flipping his dagger over and extending the hilt to me.

"I'll make you a deal," he said. "Give yourself to me. Give yourself to me and when it's all over, if I pleased you enough, we'll part ways. I want nothing more than to see you smile for once during your imprisonment in the capital. But if I am not to your liking,then consider it rape and slit my throat with this dagger."

My blood ran cold. "You would put your life on the line so easily?"

"I did not say that I would simply lie there and let you kill me,"Oberyn said, a smirk crossing his face. "But you might as well try. Although I doubt you'll get anywhere."

"I can wield a dagger," I argued. "Are you just underestimating me because I'm a girl?"

"Not at all." Oberyn passed his tongue over his lips. "My stay in King's Landing is so short I can't afford to wait, yet it would not do to fuck you bloody in an alley like this one."

I was about to suggest he think of other ways to make me happy when he clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Join me in the brothel tonight."


In the daytime was fine, at least it didn't create that much of a mood,but in the night?

"Do you object to that, wolf?"

"I think the alley is a better idea," I said, knowing that if I was to ever dissuade him from taking me to a brothel and having sex with me surrounded by naked whores striking poses, I had to act now.

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I shoved him into the wall behind him,kissing him sloppily across the lips, my mouth closed. Oberyn's grip tightened on my hips and he spun me around, shoving me down on a barrel that miraculously happened to be against the wall. I grabbed the sides of his face, tearing my mouth away from his. Oberyn's lips curled in a half-disapproving, half amused smirk as he snatched both my wrists in one hand, pinning them above my head.

"Keep them here," was all he said before he went back to kissing me.

It must have looked so strange—a red-haired girl sitting on a barrel kissing a dark-haired man in an orange coat kneeling in the grime of an alley in Flea Bottom, but I wasn't about to do anything about it.Oberyn suddenly pulled away from me and stood me up, cupping my behind and lifting me off the ground. I gasped, winding my arms around him, and pretty soon my legs, a rush of pride coursing through me when I felt him smile against my lips.

We broke apart, and I twined my fingers in his hair—the only thing I knew how to do to a man when this kind of stuff was happening. Oberyn smirked lustily at me, his sweet breath wafting in my face as he spoke.

"Such inexperience, wolf."

Offended,I reared backward, putting some distance between our faces. "Is it my fault you're the first man I've--"

"That's a good thing. I like inexperience."

So he liked to have the upper hand. That was a good least I thought so, until he said something else.

"Take your clothes off, wolf."

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