Love Me Like You Do

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"So tell me again," I said, "Why were you serving as a judge against Tyrion?"
"I told you before." Oberyn shifted his weight as he began to walk at a slightly faster clip."All I want is revenge. From the Lannisters and all who serve them."

"So how does Tyrion's trial help you accomplish that?"

"Ser Gregor Clegane is the crown's champion."

My blood ran cold. "What?"

"Do you really think he scares me?" Oberyn asked, standing in front of me. "I've been in the fighting pits before; I've fought more than just a Westerosi knight. And I won. What makes Gregor Clegane any different from--"

"You—what's wrong with you??" I screeched, digging my fingernails into the soft flesh of his palms as I grabbed his hands, squeezing them as hard as I could. "What are you—are you out of your mind?"

"My motives will be apparent to you soon enough, my love." Oberyn reached under the hood of my cloak, hooking a lock of red hair on his index finger and bringing it to his lips. "As for now...."He gestured down the street, towards the brothel. "Shall we?"

I had never seen such a look of pure ecstasy on Oberyn's face before.It was priceless, and I was determined to make it stay.

"Sansa..."he groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head, his teeth digging into his lower lip, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

I splayed my hands out on his stomach as I rocked back and forth astride him, watching him writhe beneath me. It was like riding a horse, only horses didn't react the way Oberyn did, nor was it painful. Oberyn's fingers dug into my pelvic bones, keeping me pinned, nudging me back and forth. My red hair was fanned out across my shoulders and spilled down my chest, my cheeks were a slight pink—in short, I looked like a slutty mess.

The rise and fall of Oberyn's hips began to accelerate, and I bit my lip to muffle the gasp of pain threatening to spill forth from between my lips as barb after barb of agony lanced through me. His low moans of desire steadily increased in volume until...

Hot liquid jetted up inside of me, and I slumped against him as his body went completely slack underneath me, his fingers tangling in my hair and pulling savagely. I hopped off of him and slid along the length of his body, tangling my legs with his and wrapping my arms around his neck, passionately kissing him. Oberyn's eyes stayed closed, his breathing coming in ragged gasps.

"You set me on fire, wolf," he said, his eyes still shut.

"You live in Dorne," I countered. "You should be used to the climate by now."

"Oh,I am." Oberyn's eyes opened, the dark pupils glittering. "But are you?"

He nudged my legs apart, sinking his index finger into me. My head snapped back, involuntary moans pulling themselves from the depths of my throat as my arms flew up to encircle his neck, my fingers twining themselves in his dark, wavy hair, pushing his face into my chest.

"You're a slow learner, wolf," Oberyn chided against my breastbone."Relax."

His other arm snaked around my shoulders, pinning me to him. I screamed when he hooked his finger inside of me, hitting a spot so sensitive I didn't even know it existed. Oberyn laughed, repeating the motion,his smile widening when my legs instinctively wound closed around his arm.

"Do you like it when I touch you there, wolf?" he asked in my ear,his words a lusty hiss. "Should I do it again?"

I shook my head, my teeth chattering in agony as Oberyn began to thrust his finger in and out of me. I whipped my head from side to side, my thigh muscles painfully clenched, my whole body alight.

It sounded like a spoon being pulled from a pile of quicksand when Oberyn pulled his finger out of me, hooking his hand under my knee and wrapping my leg around his waist, raising his head to kiss me. I let him do so, slight shudders racking my entire body as his lips met mine over and over and over again.

"Oberyn..."I moaned when he pulled away.

"Tell me you love me, wolf."

I raised my head slightly. "I"


"I love you," I gasped.

"Say you want me," Oberyn demanded.

I heaved a ragged breath. "I want you."

"Say you belong to me," Oberyn said as he began to kiss me. "Say--"He leaned down, kissing me. "—it."

"I belong to you," I said.

Oberyn purred his approval. "As Tyrion's lover said...'You are mine and I am yours.'"

I hooked my fingers around the golden medallion around his neck,pulling him to me as he rolled over to align his body with mine.

"Promise me that you'll never leave me here like everyone else did," I begged as he used his knee to part my legs.

"Never,"came the reply. "You'll live with me in the Water Gardens at Sunspear, and bear my children."

That was the kindest thing any man had ever said to my in all my years.

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