"Life in its Simplicity " (Ch.2)

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Thank you my beautiful lovelies for sticking with me to page two, now those who are reading please please get your friends who love a good steamy romance, or a bwwm read to check my story out and like it. I need the few of you to please spread the word far and wide. I always, always love feedback, and questions, I will answer when I can. So far please comment, Vote, and Like to tell me how you've enjoyed my story so far. Also I've decided to through in important characters P.O.V's to make the story more interesting and to also give you and outlook on all their lives. But this is not about all of them most frequently the story will be told by Serenity and of course the Alpha persona Alex. And I would love if you told me who your futurely rooting for.

Starring up at the sky I sigh softly and mentally high five myself , "I did it, I'm a senior now and in a few months I'll graduate and go to Julliard after the summer. That's my dream, and I'm more than halfway there. So why, why do I feel so depressed at the thought of going. Maybe, just maybe I've become quite attached to this dull little town that offers me nothing but memories, some bitter, some sweet. This except for next month when homecoming arrives. It seems as if that's the topic of the century, funny how everyone thinks about the future instead of worrying about the now.

Standing up I brush the dirt of the back of my pants , for a long time now this big oak tree has always bought me comfort, it never left me, never forsakes me, and always listened to me . Of course its inanimate and had no choice in the matter, but here under its leaves and long branches I felt free. Heading back to the house I reach the back door and my nose instantly awakens to the delicious aroma, its dad, and he's cooking. He spots me as I walk in and he smiles, "Hey pumpkin, you hungry? I nod rubbing my stomach, "Its been a long day I'm starved."He turns back to the stove fixing our plates as I walk over to the fridge to grab our drinks, pink lemonade for me and an ice cold beer for him. He brings our plates to the living room and I inwardly think, I'm gonna miss our "TV dinner" tradition.

Dad and I sit on the couch and I watch him flip the channels until he lands on an action movie starring the Rock and lets it stay there. For about twenty minutes their is only silence and the clashing of our forks against the plates, I'm the first one to break the silence , "So how was work today?" He turns his head towards me and nods passively, "It was good, we loaded 320 boxes today, boss is a pain in the ass though. How was school?" I mimic his head nod and avert my eyes back to the TV, "It was good, I finished my two essays ahead of time , now I'm just waiting for my Finals." He smiles and looks at me fully, "That's good baby girl." He's happy for me and I see it as he tries his best to smile wholeheartedly , but I know he doesn't want me to go. How do I leave him, for a long time my dads been my rock and I've loved him for it. After my mom left he made it his duty to survive for both of us, he healed and made everything so I could feel better. He mended our souls left to be broken and renewed them by picking up the pieces she left behind throwing them away to make new memories. Somewhere along the lines she decided the bottle of alcohol in her hands deserved her company more than us.I don't know how he did it, how he kept his sanity, how he kept his sense of forgiveness. Although I don't know what love is, he loved my mom deeply. The look in his eyes tell me that with every glance a part of him's missing, a part she took. I never want to feel that, that emptiness your force to live with when your left behind. I never want to fall so intensely and deeply in love that I can't see clearly. That kind of love is dangerous , unstable....heartbreaking.

I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself when I leave. He's survived her leaving, but I don't know if he could handle me leaving, then he'd truly be broken. Later on I cleaned up the dishes and wiped off the counters. Heading upstairs I threw my phone on the bed, grabbed my clothes and went to shower. Alone in the bathroom I my worries slip away as I step into the hot steamy shower. For now , I let the water rain on me mercilessly and relax my shoulders. Closing my eyes I let it run down my face, over my eyelids, my lips, and gently down my body.

*Mature content*-song above-

Instantly I see emerald eyes with flecks of gold, midnight dark hair, sinful rose colored lips . In front of me is Perfection, and he is standing completely naked and unashamed. My breath instantly vanishes in my throat, not just catches the way it did with Trevor. Suddenly it seems as if oxygen didn't exist, it never did. He moves closer until I'm pressed against the tile wall and he leans down until his nose presses against mine, and his growing erection is hard against my thigh. Gasping I try to move away but that is impossible. His masculine hands hold my hands over my head completely at his mercy and my large ample breast push upward. A dark coil of energy runs through my veins wrapping around me like a vise and the heat continues to spread. He rubs his nose up and down the column of my throat rhythmically and his tongue darts out tasting my flesh. A deep dark rumble resonates from his mouth somewhere between a growl and a groan. He seems to be owning me in this moment and my body refuses to lie.

The heat between my thighs grow unbearable and it feels as if lava now lives there deep inside of me. I am waiting to erupt. He pulls his head back and moves his lips against mine. I whimper as if I am in heat, I need him. I've never felt this kind of need in my life and instantly I know hes dangerous. This man who's possessing my body has bad written all over him in big, bold letters. Right now I want it, I want his beautiful forbidden body all over me. His mouth tastes like mint and pure male..his mouth seduces mine into submission although I'm sure he could quite possibly force me. Breaking the kiss he turns me around and spreads my legs, slapping my ass hard. No mercy is shown and I whimper in pain,"Stop." He ignores me and laughs and I instantly know why. The lava running down my legs tells him I like this, I want him, and I want all he has to offer me. I snatch away and turn around towards his front greeted with his shaft against my belly and my lust filled eyes clear. Oh my god its ........Alex.

Ha Ha Ha, my lovelies that was some scene whew, had me feeling some type of way. Tell me what u think so far.

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