" Clubbing under Neon Lights"{Ch.4}

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So is anyone else excited or is it just me, Empire is coming back. Omg yes, yes, yes that is my show. So if I'm missing or going AWOL I'm problem just watching my favorite TV show since I have no life. BTW guys please comment and vote, I'd really appreciate it since this scene is going to get very, intense, steamy, and a little emotional. So please stay with me on this ride with Serenity and Alexander. Thank You

I looked at the entrance where two body guards stood monitoring all who went in and out. The tallest one who was bald wearing strictly black clothing stopped these two girls checking their IDS. Once he saw they were invalid he ushered for them to leave. I turned to Regina, "What are we going to do? We're not 21 or older, we'll never be able to get into this club." She looked from me to the body guard, relax Mary Poppins, I got this and plus my guy is good with IDS, best in the business. She grabs my hands and pulls us over to where the bodyguard is. Oh no, here it is, I can see the big bold letters on my college application. Tried to sneak into a bar when not of legal age. And just as I see my dreams pass before me and ruin themselves because of this measly one outing, I watch in amazement as I return back to reality. The bald guy smiles at Regina and opens the red cuff blocker and lets us through. She turns to me and smiles, 'See, I told you, now we're about to get turnt up tonight." She screams the last part over the intense music, its so loud I can feel the vibration as it thrums through my body.

Somehow G managed to get me in a sexy short black dress with gold rimming and matching gold shoes. She's concocted my hair into beautiful spiral curls that bounce around my face every time I so much as blink. The heels though, I could do without , although I admit I -look -damn- fine -tonight, they're killing me. She continues to drag me around by my and as if I'm some lost child at the carnival. We stop at the bar and G eyes the list of drinks, while she deciphers what will get her drunk the most , I look around the dance floor and I spot Trevor. I shudder , and a shy smile graces my face, he looks so hot tonight. He's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a grey shirt with a matching gray and white baseball cap, turned backwards on his head. Hes chatting with a girl who's not surprisingly, gorgeous. 

Shes a brunette with killer blue eyes and legs for days. She says something and then he's smiling widely and I find it so incredibly charming. What I wouldn't do to be the cause of that smile. Turning my attention back to Regina I see she's decided to go with a dry martini. "So what do you want?" I stare at her intently, "You know I don't drink." She shrugged, "Fine, less fun for you, come on I want to dance." Once again she pulled me, straight into the dance floor this time as Cardi B came on. Regina through her hands in the air and I raised mine as well. What else could I do but turn up, this song was my shit. G turned back to me as we began to sing together, "Now she say she gon' do what to who?Let's find out and see, Cardi B -You know where I'm at- you know where I be-You in the club just to party, I'm there-I get paid a fee, I be in and out them banks so much, I know they're tired of me, Honestly, don't give a fuck 'bout who in front of me-Dropped two mixtapes in six months-What bitch working as hard as me?" At some point we stopped singing and began twirking, while guys tried to feel on us through out the song we moved away.While the thought of them touching me was unnerving. I thought  Damn, I haven't ever had this much fun in my life. I turned around spinning putting my hands back up while dancing with Regina, maybe this wasn't so bad.

Alexander P.O.V

I looked over watching the dance floor for the beauty I'd take home and that when I noticed, she was here, the girl that's been fucking with my head since last Friday, Serenity. I watched as she swayed her hips side to side, shaking her hands above her head, and throwing it back. She looked more than appealing tonight, her body looked as if it were built for temptation, for sin, and I more than wanted to know what it tasted like. The blonde from my left in a red dress above her thighs sauntered over to me. She looked at me with hooded eyes and I already knew her intentions, five minutes ago those sparkling hazel eyes would have been enough but now its not. Right now I want those pretty brown eyes, I want long, slender chocolate legs around my waist and I want to see a black and gold dress on my bedroom floor, and the enchanting girl it belongs to underneath me. And by damn it that's happening one way or another. I toss back my  tequila and ruffle my hair, I'm coming for you Serenity.

Serenity's  P.O.V.

Turning around I see G in some hot guys embrace embrace and I finally decide at this moment I can sit down my feet are killing me and I think my ankles are starting to swell, I really wasn't cut out for heel. I look around and spot a leather couch in what I think is a V.I.P. lounge, and judging by the people over there it totally is but right now I don't care I want to sit down. Slowly looking over my shoulder I sneak under the red fluffy ropes that separate us normal's and socially famous and break the confinement. Everyone seems to be either deeply engrossed in a conversation or just plain making out. Breathing deeply I flop down on the couch and lie my head back.. that is until I turn my head and spot Alexander Foreign looking directly at me.

At first I hold his gaze and I lock myself in the intensity of his dark forest eyes, their are so many secrets to this man...man not boy I think without meaning to. Although Alex may play with girls heart as childishly as he wishes he is far from the other boys that go to my school. I look away as I see him stand up and walk towards me, my hands go to my lap quickly playing tug of war with another, no ones winning. I lose track of my idle game as an intoxicating aroma fills the air around me. "So, do you make a habit of eye raping people?" This question and the audacity of this question surprises me and I quickly look up a little shocked. " I was certainly not eye raping you, your gaze was on me first." I watch as his eyes light up and a small smile tug the corner of his lips, he's ...amused. "Most truthfully, yes I did, but.. you did not look away." My cheeks heat up and my hands suddenly feel wet and clammy... my reaction is completely unnecessary, he's barely said anything to me at all and I realize my fault is creeping up on me. 

It's the one where I make even the smallest trace of momentary flirting, or intimacy into something major when it's really nothing at all. I look down at my lap again to keep from embarrassing myself. "So why were you starring at me?" Suddenly I'm more aware of his closeness, and then I here his deep voice become a little, breathy...husky. "Because I wanted you and now I have you." At this, I turn my whole body towards him until I realize that's a very big mistake because there is absolutely no space between us. "Wanted me how?" His eyes darken and he surely isn't joking, he tilts his head, "Surely you aren't that naive." My eyes narrow, he's beyond rude, he's crossed on to the famous lines of obnoxious asshole. "Well then care to cure me of my lack of the obvious knowledge." 

His eyes meet mine and I try my best to keep my false fierceness, "From the moment I've laid eyes on you, you'd captured my interest and I've been trying my best to ignore temptation..to leave you alone. But then I saw you here, wearing that dress...dancing, looking beyond sinful and now I've changed my mind... so its now."

Damn I can barely speak an I utter two breathless words. "What's now?"

He closes his eyes and for a moment I see a dark shadow swirl in them, at least I think I do, I must be seeing things. His eyes close as if their inflicting self pain, "The moment I decide I won't stop." With that he removes himself from the couch leaving behind only his mouth watering smell. He rushes out the club after withdrawing from some blonde trying to follow.

What the hell just happened?

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