Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Alena's P.O.V

I stared blankly towards the road. Caden was coming back. What the hell. I couldn't help but remember the day he moved away.


"What do you mean you're moving?!" I yelled, tears rolling down my face in buckets.

"Alena, I have to. It's best for both of us, and I don't have a say, it's for my Dad's job."

"Well, why didn't you tell me?" God I sounded pathetic.

"Honestly, I didn't want you getting all annoying and lovey dovey like I know you can be. I like the normal Alena."

The anger raged past all sadness and abandonment I felt.

"Just go. You disgust me, I disgust myself to think you were different." I yelled as more tears poured.

"Alena, it's me, Caden, your bestfriend." He took a step towards me.

I slowly stepped back, keeping my distance. "We were never best friends." I whispered holding open the door for him.

He was hurt but I didnt give two shits. As soon as his feet were outside the door, he began speaking as he turned around.

I slammed the door in his face.

*End of Flashback*

"ALENA?" Kyla's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Who exactly is Caden, don't bullshit me." She was getting really intense. Might as well tell her.

"I- I- I-"

"Spit it out whore."

"HestheguyIlostmyvirginitytowhenIwasin10thgrade." The words just spewed out of my mouth.

She stared at me wide eyed, I didn't expect her to have much to say.

"What?" She sput out.

"Well, we were best friends, as close as me and Brandon. Well we started hanging out alone, and eventually one thing led to another and ya. He said he loved me and I loved him back, at least I thought. Well he turned out to be moving the day after he took my innocence. I felt like I was a piece in a game. Let's see if I can have sex with Alena before I leave. Make it all look real and SURPRISE. It's all fake."

"Wow, I'm so sorry Alena, wait, you and Brandon are best friends? I should've known."

"What do you mean you should've known?" I raised my eyebrow quizzically.

"Well the way you look at each other, I can tell you have that deep best friend affection that is soon going to be released as you ever lasting love for each other." She said nudging my elbow smiling.

I burst out laughing. "Are you serious?"

"Well, yeah, you deffinately both have feelings for the other, I just wish I could've noticed before I did what I did." She frowned to herself dropping her head.

"Awe, it's ok, like you knew any better, he's a sexy muffin for sure thought." I said winking. We both laughed as we pulled up to the mall.

Kyla's P.O.V.

We pulled up to the mall, Brandon and Malcom told us to meet them at the front entrance. We parked the car and walked in. We spotted the guys chilling on a bench. We walked up to them smiling. Brandon rose and went to hug Alena. Honestly they were the cutest thing since the easy bake oven.

I looked over at Malcom he came over hugging my and lifting me in the air. I wrapped my legs around him, not wanting him to put me down.

"I'm so sorry you had to see the STD kiss me, if it helps I washed my mouth out about 100 times." He mumbled into my hair.

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