Here Be Fluffy Plotbunnies

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I managed to write fluff. I am shocked :P

I'd be interested in expanding on these, if anyone wants.


Brendon and you are smoking pot, and you both get hit by the munchies, so you eat raw chocolate chip cookie dough on the couch together while you cuddle, watching your favourite fluffy show or movie. You find yourself fascinated by his hair, wanting to pet each and every strand, so you ask him to rest his head on your lap. He lays down, curling up, and you just stroke through his hair and over his scalp for about a half hour. He practically melts, jokingly barking, panting and purring, rubbing his cheek over you, kissing your thighs, making you laugh at what a cute, silly boy he is. He's so cute you are buzzing with the desire to kiss him, so you slide yourself away from him, sitting down on the floor beside the couch, while he looks at you quizzically, as you mostly manage to keep petting his hair. You turn your face, nuzzling noses for a moment before you kiss those gorgeous lips of his, lazily, over and over.

You and Brendon pretend to be doggies together. Clambering around on all fours, sniffing, licking, panting, pets, wrestling around, play biting, trying to have a conversation with barks (eg different tones), taping tails on your bums and wiggling them around, breaking character to laugh your asses off. You call him the cutest doggy ever, saying he deserves all the treats (like cookies), licking over his face and lips & he licks back, and you give each other so many pets all over, belly rubs and back caresses and hair stroking and all.

You're the big spoon to Brendon's little spoon. You give him lots of smooches, telling him to breathe along with you, slow & easy, stroking his hair, the nape of his neck, squeezing him. You whisper to him that he's such a sweetheart, a wonderful boy, as he calms down from his panic attack. He becomes so calm you think he's fallen asleep, but he starts making these little happy moans as you keep stroking his head and neck and rubbing over his belly. He starts wriggling around purposefully against your crotch but you tell him to not worry because you know he needs the sleep--he was feeling so drained earlier--but you'll more more than glady have sexytime with him come morning.

Spooning with Brendon and you're the little spoon. He's got you wrapped up with one arm, and you're stroking your entwined legs over each other. He's stroking your belly, stopping to exclaim "boop!" a couple times while he pokes your bellybutton, which makes you laugh. You call him a giant dork, kissing his arm. He kisses your neck, plays with your hair. He calls you his babygirl and asks if he's still your babyboy, because he wants to be your baby as long as you'll have him. You can't imagine ever not wanting him. "Babygirl wants her babyboy forever, B." He squeezes you so tight, you wish you could wiggle even more into him, and you squeeze him back around his arms as much as you can, stroking over them as he mouths over your neck, turning you on so much.

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