Last night, damn you were in my sex dreams (Sex Dreams 1).

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Or baths with Pirate!B, Sarah and B/booty and B, threesome with a magic key, and a 4 people orgy

this isn't the first, eg Sin in a Swimsuit was mostly from a sex dream I had, but this is the first of a series of mini-fics of my sex dreams.


You blame/credit that homoerotic pirates song he did in a periscope, plus that Niall Horan song Slow Hands for this dream.

B helped women get out of prostitution and become part of his pirate crew. He spent a lot of time using his hands on you in the bath & going down on you after warming up to it, making you want him. He'd just bathe you, platonically at first in both how and where, him fully clothed. As time went on, you're more and more aroused, more at ease with it, letting it flow through you. Surprised that he wasn't trying anything, that he just wanted to touch you to make you clean, feel good, relax. You eventually told him he could take his shirt off, touch you less innocently. He asked if you were sure, that that wasn't why he was doing this, and you asked him to please...

He started on your breasts, belly, thighs, ass... You tried to describe the feelings you were having... How he was so different from the johns, whom you could barely stand to look at let alone be physical, act sexual with. You know you thought about how they were obsessed with their dicks, piv/pia, fellatio, etc but you don't know if you told him that part.

He asked if he could make you feel even better, hands going to your pelvis. You got a bit worried, like it was too good to be true and he might change, but you wanted so damn much, and his touch... His hands slid to your vulva. The first time you heard it called that by a man was from his lips. Him stroking over you, mound, outer lips, cupping as much as he could, then pressing, rubbing... Telling you if you got out of the bath, he could use his mouth on you too. Holy shit damn. Saying things like "Just want to make you feel good" and that men should only touch women to make them feel good, when the women want them to...

Jump to you on the floor, his head between your legs, licking, kissing, sucking and stroking you by mouth and hand, becoming the most aroused you've been in your life. Experiencing orgasms for the first time, not knowing that women can actually have them. Not knowing what it is you're feeling even because the men you were with before had treated more like going to the bathroom than something deeply grippingly pleasurable. The noises you're making, for the first time not faked and what are organically coming out of you. Him stroking your hips through it, your hands finding his hair. (You only remember it was two or more, not sure how many.) B telling you about the clitoris, labia, touching your vulva different ways, asking you what feels good, what feels best, that all over it can feel really wonderful if it's touched in good ways.

Afterwards, you ask the other women about it, if he had done that with them. He had with a few, but for most it was talking about things not acting on it. Either way, all had good things to say about him, and how he had helped them get out of the life, into pirating, into how sex could be. Joking with you about orgasms, how good sex should and could be, telling you more stuff themselves. Some of the women got the courage to live as lesbians, others as celibates, many as unowned het and bi-practicing women. One woman saying "Cunnilingus is the best, but you should try other stuff that'll make you feel good too," shyly describing outercourse and tribadism.

You bet if pirate!B were real, he'd help a few boys get out of prostitution too, and have them join the crew, including maybe for shenanigans with him, with a woman or two on the crew. If that's what those young men wanted. Only if they wanted to.


As you were going to sleep you were thinking about Sarah entering B with fingers, toys, pegging him, petting his butt, swats... How much they would both like it. So having a sex dream wasn't surprising, but the dream was you and B, with a lot of cunnilingus, some fellatio and manual, outercourse, humping his bum straight up, with your vulva. You don't remember it super clearly but do remember that boy's mouth on you, jacking him off, rocking on his booty, stroking over him as you rubbed the tip over your vulva. Lots of smoochies, squishing, and wriggling.


Featuring Shane Valdez (Valdes), circa 2009. You three were playing a board game in a classroom in what seemed like an abandoned school. You became turned on just being around them, especially when talk got smutty. You purposely lost rounds to tease yourself, because you all made a rule that the losers couldn't come for 10 additional minutes for each lost round. After a few, you thought fuck it, and played to win because you were getting impatient, breaking Brendon's winning streak. Bden claimed he was "letting" you win. Shane said you was just better at the game, and had only been letting him win earlier. True, and B knew it, saying he knows he ain't good at this shit.

Bden challenges you to a race to see who can get naked first, yet Shane wins because he's suddenly naked while you're both still undressing. You stop undressing, B saying Shane cheated, which he totally did, because he had the magic key. Since Shane cheated, Brendon and you get to come first, so you dry hump (moist hump? outer-outercourse?) in just undies until you both get off. The lovely boy slides his hand into your panties, getting you off again, telling you he wants to go down on you, more than Shane the cheater does.

However, Shane exclaims "But I have the magic key! See!" and opens the door, you and B following until you three find another door in the school hallway, opening it, leading into a fancy ass hotel room.

The adorable fibber claims he had said Shane was a good boy all along, and you roll you eyes but want to get things going again. "B? You should totally go down on me, while I go down on Shane." Hardly have to ask him twice. "It'd be even better if you went down on B at the same time too. Woudn't it pup?"

So you do just that, you coming three times more, Shane and Brendon once. Shane wants to switch, wants to go down on you instead, and they have a little fight over it, until you say they can damn well take turns. One using their mouth while the other uses their hand, for example, spreading your labia, petting your mound, and/or make out with youand they eagerly agree, Shane taking his turn, getting his mouth on you and B's fingers as B and you smooch...

On one round you jack off Shane to another orgasm, and he wants to melt into the bed.

"Less stamina in your old age there, hey?" Bren teases, even though Shane's only six years older than he. Shane flips him the bird, sticking his tongue out. "You should use that tongue again once you recover..." B's tongue out right back at him, using it to lick Shane's tongue, lips before going back to sucking, licking you even more, until you have to beg off too.

"I'd say you could go more, but you must've had at least 10 orgasms. She, unlike some people, needs a rest."

"Brendon, one more orgasm and you'd be down for the count too," Shane sighs.

"Nah, he's too adhd to be as tired as us."

"Damn straight," he giggles, being the peanut butter to your bread between you, jerking off to a third orgasm as you and Shane pet and smooch and squish him, calming down, but not quite tired yet.

"C'mon, let's show the old man what's what. Bet ya we can break the record for how many times you can come?" Sliding his thigh between your legs. You can't help humping him.


This dream was a foursome with B, you and two other people your subconscious made up. Everyone was involved with everyone and it was beautiful! :D It started off with B and you then the other two as fm couples but things got flirty, and you started making out. Half seriously daring each other to kiss everyone else. Kissing your boy in front of them as they kissed, then the girls and boys same sex kissing. Turning more and more into full on make out, tongues playing, touching, squeezing... you kissing the boy and the gal kissing B. Shyly, then eagerly, grinding on each other...

It soon lead into getting naked, with frottage/tribadism, oral, manual. Especially us women getting oral from our pups. B going down on the boy while the latter ate his gal out and you watched, masturbating. The girl and you making out, manually stimulating each other while our boys went down on us, then switched off, so we got both of their mouths. Rubbing your vulvas along their dicks and balls. You slickly jerking both boys off at once, balls too, separate and dick to dick. The four of us on the bed, making out and rubbing off on everyone and everywhere we could get to...

Were you ever sad to wake up on that one.

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