"The Bottom"

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I started to hate myself so much. I cried almost every day. I started to think of ways to kill myself, I started to consider self harm. I felt used, unwanted, alone. I was gone. I felt dead. I had lost myself over something so stupid, a boy and a few stupid decisions. To make matters worse while being depressed and anxious from moving to a new school I had another problem pop up. My period was late, and I was afraid that I was pregnant. One stupid choice could have caused my life to spiral down to cause consequences that would effect me the rest of my life. I was ashamed of myself. I felt like a whore. I felt like a slut, I felt unwanted, alone, useless and weird. I hated myself completely, I genuinely wanted to die. To rid myself of the pain that I was going through, the constant mental battle against myself, my own mind. It was devouring me and my soul.   That's how I got here, to the bottom. One stupid decision, one that I could have avoided. So I warn you, don't make stupid decisions, be wise with everything you do. Signed, Kris

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