7 || With Him

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I finished plating as we all gathered around dining table. Dean on his high chair beside me and Liam sit across me. God seeing him around makes me feel giddy already.

I was nervous as liam filled his mouth spoonful of butter chicken. I don't wanna embarrass myself in front of him. What if he doesn't like it? Even if its my signature dish and no one really disliked it ever.

I looked at him as he chew away. God his lips. I want his lips on mine so bad. The way he moves his lips is my major turn on now. I wonder how his lips would feel upon mine.

"It's delicious zayn." He commented and dragged me out of my day dreams. I shook my head immediately and collected myself before thanking him. My cheeks turning cherry pink, the way he smiled at me.

"Is decious zen." Dean commented as he tried to pronounce words like liam. I turned to look at him so did liam. All of sudden attention got him giggling. His cute little giggles echoing dining room. Liam and I smiled  warmly at his new little efforts of learning words.

"Say it again baby." I caressed his cheeks with back of my finger. He giggled once more before saying out loud. "Is decious zen. Is decious daddy." He clapped.

"awuuuhhh." Liam awed at his cuteness. I can't thank enough to god for gifting me this cute ball of sunshine. Wait. Two cute balls of sunshine. How can i forget the other one sitting across me with widest grin on his face.

We were eating while chattered about random stuffs and dean tried to pronounce every other word. Liam laughed at last word dean said and his phone started ringing.

He picked up the phone and his smile widened double. He was speaking with his adorable voice but shying away every once in a while. I got this random feeling inside my stomach making me feel sick. Sure he was smiling and laughing but it was cause of someone else. Who could it be.

"Shut up jay jay. I hate you okay?" He said as he laughed away and took a bite from his chicken. I bit my lip harshly trying to block those jealous feeling inside me.

Is that his girlfriend?
The way he smiled and talked seemed like that.
Is he taken already?

I couldn't think straight. It was all mess inside my head. Sure he wasn't really mine but feeling of him being someone else's makes me go crazy and tie him somewhere inside me house, keeping him with me forever.

"Don't swear alot okay?" he said through phone and my appetite has died long back since he started being all lovey dovey with someone on phone. That girl is bitch. Fuck her already.

"No I'm with kid here. I can't swear in front of him unless i want him to imitate stuffs i say." He laughed again.

He never looked in my eyes since he started talking. That makes me feel... Terrible. For no fucking reason.

Dean nudged my side after seeing my frown. I looked at him with forced smile. He poked my nose with his tiny finger and i attempt to fake giggle. He motioned with his hand to come close.

As i leaned on his side, he pressed a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "Daddy no sad."

a smile crept back on my face after seeing my kid's gestures. How he knew what i felt at the moment. He really is an angel for me. I looked at him and kissed his head. "Daddy is not sad baby. Daddy loves you yeah."

"Dean love daddy." he grinned at me showcasing his two tiny teeth. And this time i smiled genuinely.

"What am I missing here?" I heard liam saying as he looked direct to us.

"Nothing. Go talk to your girlfriend huh."I snorted. I don't really know how the heck i said this. Now i feel embarrassed after seeing his puzzled expressions. "Lili got gurfrind?"

Dean looked at me and then at liam.

Cool deanie. now make me feel terrible more baby.

I facepalmed myself as liam laughed his heart Out. Dean joined him even though he didn't know for what he was laughing. It was only me who looked embarrassed here.

Great move malik.

I sighed and they kept laughing.

"Really zayn. my... Girlfriend? You thought i was talking to my girlfriend?" he said in between fits of laughter.

"Stop laughing." i ordered with stern voice but it made him laugh more. And dean clapped his hands as he laughed along.

"You too. Little man." i looked at dean with my brows furrowed. He seemed to enjoy it.

"Zayn relax. It was my best friend. Not girlfriend. " he chuckled making me feel relaxing and awkward. Fuck what the hell i did. I shouldn't have said that. But my second sense never get along with me. I always spit on first.

I looked down at my plate and spoke "whatever."

"Don't whatever me zayn." he pouted from across the table. If he was anywhere near me, i might have kissed his pout away. Oh wow as if i ever did.

You little jealous prick.

I said to myself.

"You're jealous prick zayn aren't you?" He laughed again but a little low. And i snapped my head up on him. How the heck he knew what i said inside my head.

"Uh.. Common I'm not jealous. Course you can have girlfriend. That's normal." I waved it off acting cool.

"I see normality in your voice." He sassed and looked down concentrating on his food.

"shut up." I said.

"Shutaap." Dean imitated. I totally forgot he was sitting next to me.

I chuckled on his effort. But it faded as i saw liam. I was feeling hella embarrassed.


AN:- I know I'm practically months late but forgive me yah? I was writing fireflies (my other fic) cause i had to finish it earlier. And its on the edge of finishing so yeah. After that i can concentrate on this book only. This one has a long way to go.

A lot more deanie fluff along with ziam fluff. Some daddy kink and not to mention some smoky hot scenes. Y'all don't leave me aaah!!
Stay tuned. I love y'all.
Anyways tell me how was this chap!!
I kinda think I'm improving in writing but still.

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