Highschool love

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Dean walked into his new high school. Actually it was his first high school but he knew that many more were to come being a hunter and all. John would find a new job in about a month and then they would have to leave. Dean didn't mind it all that much but it kinda sucked to make friends then leave and have to start all over again. Especially if he met someone he liked like that girl from his last junior high Cassie Robinson.

Dean walked into the hallway busy with teenagers running and yelling and even kissing . At first only a couple people glanced his way. Then those glances turned to stares and soon it seemed as if every eye was piercing through his soul. Some of the girls whispered and giggled to each other while the boys gave him nasty looks.

Dean tried not to notice them as he walked towards the principles office. In the corner though was a boy a bit shorter than him wearing a little to big of a trench coat and a blue tie. Very formal clothes for a teen Dean thought. The boy noticed Dean looking at him and quickly turned looking back at his locker.

Dean walked down to the principles office to pick up his schedule and a map of the school. Walking into the office he saw a small blonde girl waiting in a chair just outside of the office. Dean sat down in the chair next to her quietly and waited as she was called into the office. She got up slowly making barely any sound and glided into the room.

Finally after what seemed like an hour (but was actually only about fifteen minutes) the girl came out of the room and he was called in. He walked into the room and sat down at a large light brown desk. A man with a balding head and grey tufts of hair and stubble sat on the other side. He gave Dean his schedule and map and sent him on his way.

Holding his map in one hand and schedule in the other he navigates to his locker and opens it putting in his books and back pack. With a slam he closed the locker and saw the boy from earlier next to him with his locker door open.

The boy closed the locker door and looked at Dean. "Your the new guy aren't you?" The boy asked

"Uh ya." Dean answered "My name's Dean. What's yours?"

"I'm Castiel." The boy responded in a shockingly deep voice.

"Castiel? Hmm. Is it okay if I call you Cas." Dean asked him

"Yeah sure my family calls me that anyways." Cas said

"So Cas what class do you have first?" Dean wondered

"History. Room 215." Cas said

"Awesome me too." Dean said a little too excitedly

Highschool love: A Destiel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now