Chapter 3 ✧

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Chapter 3 

Sorry, this seems to be like a filler chapter. It is probably not that good, but I promise things will get interesting soon. :)


“Um.. Excuse me.”


Excuse me.”


“For the love of—“ I marched towards them and pulled them away from each other. “Would you two please stop trying to do immoral things in this kitchen?! I’m pretty sure Connor’s family doesn’t want to eat food prepared on a kitchen counter soiled with the DNA of two libidinous teenagers.”

The two blushed madly before dashing out the door, probably to do it somewhere else. Gosh, they even had the gall to blush after almost doing it in the kitchen of all places?

“Well, that was something.”

I turned to my side and found Connor grinning at me. I rolled my eyes before looking at the counter. ‘Darn it. There goes my thirst.’ I thought sadly as I looked at the keg on top of the counter with disgust.

“So, how are you faring so far?” Connor asked as he leaned on the counter, giving me an inquisitive stare.

“Hmm, let’s recount what happened since I got here." I held up my hand and pointed to my first finger. "Let’s see, first, my cousin, who forced me to partake in this event, ditched me as soon as we walked into this house."

A second finger went up. "Then, after an unsuccessful attempt in trying to find him while maneuvering myself to get out of that place you call a living room, which I think you should burn after witnessing how these animals interact with each other, I mean, who knows what kind of substances are already contaminating your home now, I find myself in the kitchen in a quest to get a drink to quench my thirst because I have exerted more energy than usual. And what do I find?"

I glared at the countertop where the couple was previously seen. "Two teenagers who could not control their hormones trying to get it on on top of the counter. And they just so happened to be beside the drinks.” I then gave him a sarcastic look. “So, the answer to your question is fine. I’m faring just fine.” 

He chuckled before looking at me in amusement. “You could have just said you’ve had a bad time since you got here.”

“Now where’s the fun in that?” I told him with an impatient expression. It’s not that I was annoyed with him; I’m just really tired after all the physical activity I’ve done. I couldn’t even sit down because I don’t believe a sanitary place still exists within this humble abode.

He looked at me curiously. “You look like your legs are killing you.”

“How could you tell?” I asked in surprise. Was this guy psychic or something?

“I don’t know. You just had this very impatient look on your face and you kept on shifting from one foot to the other the whole time. Like…” He paused. “Like someone who has to pee.”

“Well, if that was the case, I don’t even know what I’ll do then. Your house is, as I suggested so many times, unsanitary.”

He laughed as he shook his head. “You’re really something, Wendy.”

“Of course I am. I’m human, actually. Not some indeterminate or unspecified thing.”

Connor then gave me a mischievous grin. “Nope. It's hard to explain actually. You have a certain disposition that I just can't seem to place. I believe you're more than just human," he made the quote unquote sign, "and because I don’t know what it is, I think you’re something.”

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